Story Time at Edmonds bookshop on February 23rd to be led by local authors, Mike and Brandi Konopinski

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Local children’s authors Mike and Brandi Konopinski will be reading their book, “Animal Potluck” during Story Time at Edmonds Bookshop on Friday, February 23rd at 9:30am. 

Children and their grown-ups are welcome to join in to hear the story and participate in a fun activity afterwards! 

More about Mike and Brandi and their books can be found at Rainy Day Publishing’s website here.

Authors Mike and Brandi Konopinski
To find out about more Story Time events, follow Edmonds Bookshop on Instagram or FaceBook, and check the Events Calendar on their website: .


Anonymous,  February 4, 2024 at 9:01 PM  

Do you ever invite "Reading with Rover" dogs for kid's events?

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