Families begin to move in to Jacob's Well
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Volunteers at the ribbon- cutting September 15, 2013 |
After several years of work, the Jacob's Well facility in Shoreline is seeing its first residents, with several families moving in before Christmas.
Vision House’s new complex in Shoreline is being built in two phases.
The newly-opened first phase includes 12 apartments for homeless moms and kids, with a soon-to-be-opened after-school care program, counseling offices and community center.
The second phase will include eight additional apartments, a licensed child care center and a resource, food and clothing bank to support resident families.
Thanks to local businesses, churches, foundations and community groups, the Jacob’s Well complex was built debt-free!
Worth quoting
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?
-Jean Jacques Rousseau, philosopher and author (1712-1778)
Lake Forest Park City Council Inaugural Ceremony January 6 at Civic Club
Lake Forest Park City Council Inaugural Ceremony January 6, 2013, 7:00pm, Civic Club
The community is invited to the City Council Special Meeting for the Inauguration Ceremony of City Council members Mark Phillips, John Resha, Hilda Thompson, and John Wright on Monday, January 6, 2014, at 7:00pm at the Lake Forest Park Civic Club, 17301 Beach Drive NE, Lake Forest Park. Municipal Judge Linda Portnoy will administer the oath of office.
A reception will immediately follow the City Council Special Meeting. The reception is privately funded by citizens of Lake Forest Park and not paid for by City funds. However, the community-at-large is welcome to attend and meet their new council members.
city council
Shoreline City Manager’s Update for the week of 12/30/2013
By Debbie Tarry, Shoreline City Manager
I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas. Here is this week’s update.
January 6, 2014 Council Meeting
- Swearing in of New (re-elected) Councilmembers: This is the first order of business and Judge Eadie will be present. Swearing in will go in Position No. order.
- Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor: Last week I included the Council Rules regarding the process for the election. This item will follow the flag salute and roll call by the City Clerk.
- Adoption of Ordinance No. 682 – Transition Area Setback for Commercial Zone Development Across from Single Family Zones: Council requested staff to bring forward an ordinance to reset the set-back to 15 feet for these transition zones. Staff is recommending that Council adopt a 15-foot set-back for these transition zones, except for those located on a principal arterial or across from public open space. For those located on a principal arterial, staff recommends a zero-foot setback. A map of the affected parcels is included with the staff report. Linden Avenue would have a 15-foot set-back if this recommendation is adopted by the Council.
- Discussion and Update of 185th Light Rail Station Design Dialogue: Staff will update Council on the outcomes from the design dialogue workshops held in November.
Point Wells Update – EIS Process Starting in January
Snohomish County will start the environmental review process for the proposed development at Point Wells in January 2014. The review will look at the development’s impacts and determine how to address them. The City of Shoreline will host a series of workshops beginning Wednesday, Jan. 15, to ensure that the community has an opportunity to provide input in the review process and identify capital investments that will make for a safer transportation corridor. We are mailing postcards to approximately 14,000 households to inform residents about the workshop. More information is available on our news page.
Utilities Update
I have invited Ronald Wastewater District and Shoreline Water District to participate in the City’s Utility Unification and Efficiency Study which will begin in late January.
Finance Update
A couple of weeks ago my update included information regarding an increase in streetlight costs. Staff has continued to work with Seattle City Light to get an accurate inventory and billing and we have some good news. They have finalized their reconciliations and even though the streetlight count has increased from 2,566 to 2,946 (an additional 380 streetlights), the actual monthly bill is significantly lower due primarily to the LED conversion. Based on 2014 rates, our monthly bill will be approximately $32,700 (a decrease of $5,863 from our last monthly bills received). Our annual expenditures will be around $392,400 which is only $10,000 more than what was budgeted for 2014. To add to that good news, the City will be getting a credit in 2014 for the LED conversions that were paid at Sodium Vapor rates. The credit, as of December 31, 2013 is $231,402.93 and will be applied to the 2014 billing. This means that, in 2014, we will have approximately $220,000 in savings from the streetlights budget.
This and That
- The Department of Treasury has authorized the extension of use of federal seizure drug funds beyond the normal two years. These funds are being earmarked for the Police facility at City Hall.
- In 2013 the Police Department held 27 community meetings to discuss crime prevention and neighborhood concerns. This was a dramatic increase in the 2 held in 2011 and 12 held in 2012.
- Hopelink sent a thank you to the City’s Teen Program for their donation. The program donated 83 pounds of food in November.
- City Hall, Spartan Recreation Center, and Shoreline Pool will be closed January 1.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
city of shoreline
Tickets available for Self-Composed at the Edmonds Driftwood Players
Tickets are available for Self-Composed, an edgy examination of self-identity and friendship by Young Bellingham playwright Lyssandra Norton.
Playing for one weekend only at the Driftwood Players in Edmonds, January 16-19, 2014, as part of their annual Spotlight on local playwrights. Suggested for ages 13 and over due to mature content.
“The inspiration for this play comes from the existential crisis that all college students go through in their early 20s. That moment when you realize the world is so much bigger than you thought it was, yet your network is incredibly connected. You can know everyone and no one at once…”
January 16-19, 2014 Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. @ the Wade James Theater, 950 Main St, Edmonds. Tickets are $14. Purchase online or call 425-774-9600.
Candidate forum for Washington State Democratic Chair in Shoreline
The 32nd, 46th and 21st Legislative District Democrats are holding a Candidate Forum for the next
State Democratic Party Chair on January 8, 2014, 7pm, at the Masonic Hall Shoreline, 753 N 185th St, Shoreline 98133. (map).
Candidates and their websites (in alpha order)
The Washington State Democratic Central Committee will meet on January 31st and February 1st in Vancouver to elect the new Washington State Democratic Party Chair.
Governor Inslee signs 2013 Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Governor Jay Inslee has approved and signed the 2013 update of Washington State’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Target Zero©.
In 2000, Washington was the first state in the nation to set a very aggressive goal: zero traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030. Target Zero is a detailed roadmap that coordinates the efforts and funding of all traffic safety organizations across Washington State, uses the most effective strategies, and tracks progress toward the ultimate goal — Target Zero.
“We want all Washingtonians to join us on the Target Zero Team and continue our vision of saving lives,” said Darrin Grondel, Director of the Washington Traffic Commission. “We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the priorities and strategies of the plan to positively contribute to safety on our roadways.”
The Washington Traffic Safety Commission created a video in which state residents were asked what they believe traffic safety goals should be for the state and for their families. The video explains Washington State’s goal of “Target Zero,” and can be viewed online. Additional information on Target Zero is available here.
Shorewood boys return to Wesco 3A basketball play Saturday
The Shorewood boys' basketball team takes a 2-0 Wesco 3A record (7-2 overall) into a Saturday game at Wesco 3A South rival Glacier Peak after winning its final two games in the Archbishop Murphy Christmas tournament.
Shorewood and Glacier Peak (2-0, 7-1) meet at 7:15pm Saturday, Jan. 4, at Glacier Peak High School.
The Thunderbirds closed the Archbishop Murphy tournament with a 56-51 victory over Washington Friday, Dec. 27, and a 49-42 win over Archbishop Murphy Saturday, Dec. 28.
In Shorewood’s win over Archbishop Murphy, Taylor Freeman scored 25 points.
Shorewood 49, Archbishop Murphy 42
At Archbishop Murphy H.S., Saturday, Dec. 28
Shorewood --------------15 8 9 17 -- 49
Archbishop Murphy ---- 7 12 13 10 -- 42
Shorewood Scoring -- Anxhelos Pere 4, Taylor Freeman 25, Brandon Mar 7, Jordan Muir-Keung 2, Karson Gronvold 0, Zane Hopen 3, Aaron Okamura 0, Cameran Testerman 2, Sam Boone 6.
The eighth day of Christmas
Monday, December 30, 2013
Photo by Jerry Pickard |
Sing along, now...
On the eighth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
Eight Maids a Milking
Eight Maids a Milking
Seven Swans a Swimming
Six Geese a Laying
Five Golden Rings
Four Colly Birds
Three French Hens
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree
(and here you thought it was New Year's Eve!)
christmas lights
Words matter
Word History: Every western Indo-European language except English derives its verb for "to write" from Latin scrībere: écrire in French, escribir in Spanish, scrivere in Italian, scribaim in Old Irish, ysgrifennu in Welsh, skriva in Breton, skrifa in Old Norse, skrive in Danish and Norwegian, skriva in Swedish, schreiben in German, schrijven in Dutch.
The Old English verb "to write" is wrītan, from a Germanic root *writ- that derives from an Indo-European root *wreid- meaning "to cut, scratch, tear, sketch an outline." German still retains this meaning in its cognate verb reissen, "to tear." Only Old English employed wrītan to refer to writing, that is, scratching on parchment with a pen. English shows a similar contrariness in its verb read, being almost the only western European language not to derive its verb for that concept from Latin legere.
2014 Shrinking Bigfoot calendars raise money for Project Share
Give the gift that keeps on giving! Purchase your very own 2014 Shrinking Bigfoot Calendar from Seattle City Light and raise money for Project Share, which provides emergency utility assistance to people who need help with their electric bill.
Seattle City Light asked local students in grades 3-6 to illustrate how they can save money and reduce their carbon footprint. More than 350 students responded and 12 talented kids were chosen. See their energy-saving artwork and tips in this 12-month calendar for only $10!
One of those 12 talented kids was Malia, a 6th grader at Highland Terrace Elementary in Shoreline. (See previous article)
Calendar Orders
Purchase via PayPal -$10
Order your 2014 calendar now through PayPal.
Order your 2014 calendar by adding $10 to your bill...it's that easy!
For more information, visit the City Light webpage
Shorewood girls lose Saturday final of Archbishop Murphy basketball tournament after Friday victory
The Shorewood girls' basketball team lost to a team from Post Falls, Idaho, 61-55 in the Saturday championship final of the Archbishop Murphy Christmas Tournament after a 48-32 victory over Archbishop Murphy in a Friday semifinal game.
The T-birds now have a 5-4 overall record after opening the tournament Thursday with a 56-15 victory over Anacortes.
Post Falls (Idaho) 62, Shorewood 55
At Archbishop Murphy H.S., Thursday, Dec. 26
Shorewood -- 17 19 9 10 -- 55
Post Falls ---- 16 12 18 16 -- 62
Shorewood Scoring--Kayla Bradley 8, Salyna McDonald 1, Mika Morgan 0, Abby Gustafson 4, Lily Gustafson 12, Danica Bernabe 7, Karrin Leazer 11, Taryn Shelley 12.
Shorewood 48, Archbishop Murphy 32
At Archbishop Murphy H.S., Friday, Dec. 27
Shorewood ------------- 11 19 11 7 -- 48
Archbishop Murphy ---- 8 6 6 12 -- 32
Shorewood Scoring--Kayla Bradley 8, Mika Morgan 5, Ashley Nephew 2, Jasmine Pollard 2, Lily Gustafson 8, Karrin Leazer 9, Taryn Shelley 14
First tango in Shoreline Saturday
Intro to Tango Workshop (by donation)
Presented by Shoreline-based traveling tango teacher and author of WHEN 1+1=1
January 4, 2014, 11:00am-12:30pm
Shoreline, WA (call 206-778-3239 for more info)
Come join us for a playful introduction to the physical language of Argentine Tango - the art of speaking without words. Balloons and best of all, free hugs!
No partner necessary. All are welcome!
Suggested attire: Wear comfortable clothing and shoes that allow you to spin and will not come off of your feet!
Richmond Little League Winter Skills Camps for registered players
Richmond Little League (RLL) continues registration for the 2014 season. RLL is a youth baseball and softball organization whose goal is to build strong character through the lessons of sports.
There are leagues for ages 5 through 18 for both boys and girls. Last year was a successful season with 2 out of 5 of the All Star teams winning their district tournaments and competing at the state level (Seniors 15-16 year olds, and Juniors 13-14 year olds).
The organization is 100% volunteer driven, with funds coming from registration fees, local sponsorships and fundraisers. If you would like to register a player or would like more information visit Richmond Little League.
Richmond Little League’s Winter Skills Camps have been scheduled. The camps will be held at the Spartan Rec Center, 202 NE 185th St, starting at 8am.
These clinics will be on January 4th, 18th and 25th and February 1st. These camps are free of charge to all registered Richmond Little League players (softball or baseball). The camps will be run by our experienced managers and coaches. If you are planning on attending RSVP to Brian Sims-Fahey, Training Coordinator.
In order to take advantage of the early registration discount you need to register your player by the 31st of December.
Begin the New Year with a great story
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Coffee at The Bridge |
You are invited to join the Seattle Storytellers Guild for an memorably delightful evening of storytelling on Friday, January 3, 2014 from 7-9 pm. This free event welcomes both storytellers and listeners to our friendly, welcoming Story Circle at the Bridge Coffee House. Tellers may tell a traditional or personal story for adults of 8 minutes or less. If you plan to tell a story, please practice it a few times to be sure of its length.
Coffee and snacks are available for purchase. The Bridge Coffee House opens for us around 6:40 pm. Please support the Bridge Coffee House’s generous offering of their space by purchasing drinks or treats! The Bridge Coffee House is located at 2150 N 122nd Street, Seattle 98133 on the North Seattle Alliance Church campus.
If you have questions please contact Cynthia Westby.
story tellers
On the sixth day of Christmas
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Photo by Jerry Pickard |
For those who are not done with Christmas, Monday is actually the Sixth Day of Christmas. In spite of the song, presents are optional.
On the sixth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Colly Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree
christmas lights
Hairspray auditions at Shoreline Community College in January
"Hairspray is a musical with music by Marc Shaiman, lyrics by Scott Wittman and Shaiman and a book by Mark O'Donnell and Thomas Meehan, based on the 1988 John Waters film Hairspray. The songs include 1960s-style dance music and "downtown" rhythm and blues. In 1962 Baltimore, Maryland, plump teenager Tracy Turnblad's dream is to dance on The Corny Collins Show, a local TV dance program based on the real-life Buddy Deane Show.[1]
"When Tracy wins a role on the show, she becomes a celebrity overnight, and meets a colorful array of characters, such as Corny Collins (The show's singing host who shares Tracy's liberal political views) and Velma Von Tussle (The villainous producer of the show who does everything in her power to further her daughter's career and destroy Tracy's and Corny's). She then launches a campaign to integrate the show. Hairspray is a social commentary on the injustices of parts of American society in the 1960s."
The Big Chihuahua at Third Place Books Thursday
Waverly Curtis will present the third book in a funny canine series, The Big Chihuahua (Kensington), on Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 7pm,
"Pepe and Geri suspect a dog-worshiping cult outside of Seattle of causing a misguided woman’s demise."
Third Place Books, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 98155.
Point Wells activity update
Point Wells Environmental Review Process begins
The City will host a series of workshops beginning Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014, to ensure that the community has an opportunity to provide input in the review process and identify capital investments that will make for a safer transportation corridor.
Snohomish County will start the environmental review process for the proposed development at Point Wells in January 2014. The review will look at the development’s impacts and determine how to address them. The City of Shoreline will host a series of workshops beginning Wednesday, Jan. 15, to ensure that the community has an opportunity to provide input in the review process and identify capital investments that will make for a safer transportation corridor.
Snohomish County’s environmental review process
Through Washington’s State Environmental Policy Act, when a proposed project is likely to result in significant adverse impacts, the lead agency is required to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS). In the case of Point Wells, Snohomish County is the lead agency. The EIS reviews the project’s impacts and provides reasonable alternatives and possible mitigation. The first step in the process is to conduct “scoping” which is the community’s opportunity to comment on the impacts, identify alternatives, and how to address the impacts.
Snohomish County and BSRE have agreed to a 30 day scoping comment period, which is longer than the minimum 21 day requirement. The process will begin in early January and Snohomish County will hold two public meetings during that time, including one in Shoreline.
Shoreline’s Point Wells Community Workshop Series
Workshop: Preparing for Snohomish County’s Environmental Review Process
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Shoreline City Hall Council Chambers
The City will submit official scoping comments on the Point Wells project’s impacts to our community. Join us for an overview of the environmental review process and to review and comment on the impacts we have identified.
Learn more about this workshop on the City's calendar.
Transportation Corridor Workshops
Six workshops between February 12 and April 16
Shoreline City Hall Council Chambers
As part of the agreement between the City and BSRE, the City will conduct a Transportation Corridor Study to focus extensively on the project’s transportation impacts to the Shoreline community. This study will allow the community, City staff, and BSRE to examine the effects of additional traffic on Richmond Beach Drive, Richmond Beach Road, surrounding side streets and other major intersections along N 185th Street and to I-5. This includes looking at time spent waiting at intersections, the ability for residents to safely access their driveways , and safety concerns for pedestrians and bicyclists. To ensure the process is objective, the City has hired a third party facilitator. The process includes a series of six workshops that will give residents an opportunity to explain and show on maps exactly the kinds of capital investments that will make for a safe and efficient transportation corridor.
More information
Visit the Point Wells project page for more information and project background.
For questions about Snohomish County’s environmental review process, contact Shoreline Planning Director Rachael Markle 206-801-2531.
For questions about the City’s Transportation Corridor Study, contact Transportation Planning Manager Kirk McKinley 206-801-2481.
(Thanks to Richmond Highland Neighborhood Association)
point wells
Annual awards for Shoreline Police
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Professional Employee of the Year Dahlia Corona |
The King County Sheriff's Office presented annual awards to three Shoreline police officers and employees.
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Police Officer of the Year Mark Souza |
Awards were presented by Shoreline Chief Shawn Ledford and King County Sheriff John Urquhart in a ceremony held December 20, 2013.
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Sergeant of the Year Paul Klein |
- Professional Employee of the Year: Dahlia Corona
- Shoreline Police Officer of the Year: Mark Souza
- Shoreline Sergeant of the Year: Paul Klein
Annual book sale at Third Place Books New Year's Day
Are you resolving to read more in 2014? Third Place Books wants to help! Stock up on the must-read titles of 2013 for 20% off during the annual New Year’s Day Sale!
Town Center at Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE.
What to do with the Christmas tree
Updated 12-30-2013 8:43pm
So - you are done with Christmas and want to get it out of your house?
Lake Forest Park residents
Free Storm Debris and Christmas Tree Recycling at City Hall on January 11, 2014 from 9:00am - 2:00pm
Republic Services (aka Allied Waste) will be accepting Christmas trees and storm debris for free recycling from Lake Forest Park residents on Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 9:00am- 2:00pm at the City Hall lower parking lot.
The Lake Forest Park Youth Council will also be present helping to support the free event and selling hot chocolate to raise money for the Lake Forest Park Police Department Domestic Violence Safe Harbor Fund. Join them to enjoy some free recycling and hot chocolate on a winter day!
Reminders: Bring bare trees. Remove all tinsel, lights and ornaments. No flocked trees will be accepted. Secure your loads. Bring proof of address in the form of a valid photo ID. Only passenger vehicles can enter lower City Hall parking lot.
Shoreline residents
Four options for Shoreline residents: A one-day recycling event on Saturday, January 4, 2014; curbside pick-up of real, non-flocked trees for CleanScapes yard debris subscribers; curbside pick-up for artificial or flocked trees for CleanScapes garbage customers; take any type of tree to the Transfer Station.
This year the City will host a one day Christmas Tree Recycling Event with extended hours of collection on Saturday, January 4 to help Shoreline residents recycle their holiday trees. Remove all hooks, ornaments, tinsel, and tree stands. Do not bring flocked, artificial or garden trees, branches, wreaths, or swags.
Saturday, January 4, 2014, 8:00am – 4:00pm, Meridian Park Elementary School parking lot, 17077 Meridian Ave N, Shoreline 98133.
Trees will be recycled by CleanScapes, but they won’t be chipped on-site at the event.
Saturday, January 4, 2014, 8:00am – 4:00pm, Meridian Park Elementary School parking lot, 17077 Meridian Ave N, Shoreline 98133.
Trees will be recycled by CleanScapes, but they won’t be chipped on-site at the event.
If there is snow or ice on the road on event day, January 4, call 206-801-2450 for a recorded message of the event’s status.
If the event is cancelled or you cannot make it to the event, other options for disposal of holiday trees in Shoreline include:
- If you have CleanScapes yard debris collection, recycle your tree curbside. Cut your tree into 4 foot lengths, and place them next to your yard debris container at the curb for collection at no cost. No flocked, tinseled, or artificial trees are accepted; and trees without a yard debris cart next to them will not be collected.
- If you have a flocked, tinseled or an artificial tree, and you have CleanScapes curbside garbage collection, cut it to fit inside your garbage cart for free collection. If the tree is taller than 4 feet, cut it into 4 ft. sections, and put them next to your garbage cart for a collection cost of $4.03.
- Recycle your tree for a cost at the Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station at 2300 N 165 St. Call 206-477-4466 for information on rates.
For Shoreline questions, contact Tina Kendall, Environmental Programs Assistant, at 206-801-2450.
Selected neighborhoods
Local Boy Scout troops will pick up trees curbside in selected neighborhoods in Shoreline on Saturday, January 4, 2014. If your neighborhood is included, you will have already found an envelope rubber-banded to your doorknob. The Scouts pick up trees starting at 7:30am and ending by 2pm on Saturday, for a suggested minimum donation of $5 for a small tree.
Boy Scout Troops 324 and 167 are covering NE Shoreline (and possibly parts of Lake Forest Park). Boy Scout Troop 325, Shoreline, is covering Richmond Highlands, Innis Arden, Highland Terrace and the south part of Hillwood neighborhood, working with Girl Scout Troop #41161.
Yet another option for Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, North Seattle
Boy Scout Troops 324 and 167 are covering NE Shoreline (and possibly parts of Lake Forest Park). Boy Scout Troop 325, Shoreline, is covering Richmond Highlands, Innis Arden, Highland Terrace and the south part of Hillwood neighborhood, working with Girl Scout Troop #41161.
Yet another option for Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, North Seattle
If you cannot take advantage of the above events, you can recycle Christmas trees at businesses such as Pacific Topsoils in North Seattle (1212 N 107th St, Seattle) and Kenmore (7500 NE 175th St, Kenmore) for $3. No flocked trees accepted.
Crime in Shoreline A-Z: the Grinch stole Christmas
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Photo by Steven H. Robinson |
Crime in Shoreline A - Z
12-15 to 12-22-2013
Every week - death investigations, suicide attempts, domestic violence, violent people with mental issues, suicide attempts, arrest warrants, drivers with suspended license, credit card identify theft, runaway kids, wandering seniors, well-being checks, natural deaths, driving violations with DUI drivers, tracking sex offenders - and here's the rest:
A - Police responded to a 911 call with an open line and found an individual with a misdemeanor warrant and a baggie of what looked like meth / 500 NW 195th family away for two hours and someone broke in and stole high value electronic equipment and all the gifts from under the tree
Alcohol, Drugs - Two heroin users unconscious in car parked at Goodwill / Subjects shooting up in Echo Lake Park bathroom 9:32pm / Drunk driver rolled his car on Innis Arden Road 1:33am
Assault - Person contacted and assaulted by three unknown males in woods at Ballinger Commons
Burglary, commercial - Pried out skylight at Maaco Auto Paint shop but unable to enter / Stole 100 foot power cord from Lease Crutcher construction site at 16549 Aurora / Collision Tech burglarized at 19342 Firlands Way / Storage locker at 14900 Aurora
Burglary, residential - Washer stolen from empty home 5xx NE 145th / 190xx 10th NW / Broke latch on bathroom window 16xx NE 185th / Burglarized backyard shed 145xx Whitman
Car prowl - 12 iPad minis stolen from car at 149xx 22nd NE / Child's musical instruments stolen from vehicle 161xx Densmore / Christmas presents stolen from car 157xx NE / Stole purse-like lunch box with food and work schedule from Aurora Taco Bell parking lot / Cash, camera, and lenses taken from vehicle 154xx Corliss / Mom went to pick up her son at Meridian Park Elementary and someone stole her GPS and all her CDs from car in school parking lot / Parking lot Iglesio ni Christo 148xx 1st NE / 177xx 22nd NE / Took cash, keys, owner's manual but left stolen mail in front seat of vehicle parked at 183xx Ridgefield Rd / 175xx Ashworth a camper van was prowled - owner had an alarm but had disabled it because the neighbors were getting annoyed when it went off / Window broken and bag taken from vehicle parked at Spiro's / Window broken and passport stolen from car at Highland Ice Arena
Cars and parts stolen – Car stolen from store parking lot 18xx N 150th / License plates stolen from 196xx 15th NE were found on a recovered stolen vehicle in Snohomish county / Car stolen from store parking lot 11xx N 205th / Car theft 3xx NE Serpentine
Larceny, public places - Unknown male caught on surveillance tape stealing a TV from Sears / Stole tip jar from Jersey Mike's Sub in Aurora Village / Repeat shoplifter at 7-11 in Ridgecrest 1232 N 185th / Hole punched in gasoline tank at Free Methodist Church 510 NE 175th / Shoplifter at North City Safeway / Shoplifter got a backpack full of alcohol from Aurora Safeway / Stole wood from RB QFC and damaged fence getting away 1:54am
Larceny, residential - Kindle Fire stolen from 161xx Midvale Ave / Multiple attempts to enter storage sheds, succeeded in getting tools from car at 195xx Fremont
Mail theft - New Home Depot credit card stolen and used from 20xx NE 175th / 5th NE and NE 153rd / Multiple hits 155xx 11th NE / Locking mail box pried open 12xx NE 184th
Suspicious - Strange person walked into occupied home 9xx NE 157th
Trespass - Homeless guy bothering the wait staff at Leena's in North City / Two people involved in shoplifting and aggressive panhandling at Fred Meyer / Criminal Trespass for drunk patron at Goldie's who picked a fight with another patron
Vandalism in public places - Tagging on Fred Meyer fence / Graffiti on Dale Turner YMCA / Richmond Highlands men's room spray painted / Tags on picnic table at Hillwood Park / Gang graffiti on residential fence 22nd NE and NE 150th / Graffiti on back of Leena's in North City
Z - Customer left tablet on counter at North City Safeway gas station - 2nd customer saw and turned it in - 3rd customer witnessed, left store, returned later and pretended to be the owner
For other weeks of Crime in Shoreline, see the Features section on the front page.
crime in Shoreline
Join the Mixed Choir for adults and children at The EDGE
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Join the Mixed Choir at the EDGE |
EDGE Performing Arts and Dance is now registering for winter classes! A variety of different options are available including the new Mixed Choir for both adults and children. EDGE is focusing its energy on this family-friendly class to encourage families to perform, learn and grow together.
This class is once weekly in Shoreline on Wednesdays at 6:00pm. No audition or experience is required and families receive a monthly tuition break. Individuals and children without parents are allowed to participate. EDGE accepts age 7 through adult, age 5 and 6 with parent participation.
Contact the studio for more information or to register, 206-747-7380. The studio is located on 15th NE in the business district of North City.
Birds Watching opens at Center for Urban Horticulture
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Eva in Flight - November 25, 2013 Photo by Larry Hubbell |
Larry Hubbell, Artist, Author, Photographer and Sculptor, is best known for his Seattle nature blog. In 2012 Larry’s story, Life After Eddie, introduced Seattle to two young eaglets growing up in the nest built by Eddie the Eagle, who lived and died on Union Bay.
Larry’s first solo exhibition: “Birds Watching” opens at The Elisabeth C. Miller Library at the Urban Horticulture Center on January 4, 2014. The show runs through February 15, 2015.
The goal of Larry’s art is to inspire harmony between humanity and nature. His current work is focused on enabling the citizens of Seattle to know and appreciate their natural neighbors.
The beauty and the struggles of our local birds -- eagles, woodpeckers, herons and owls -- show how closely our lives are intertwined with theirs. The air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink are inseparable from the fate of the natural world. Larry believes that “Knowing and sustaining nature in our neighborhood is the first step toward ensuring the future of humanity”.
Celebrate our local Seattle birds, the eagles Eva and Albert, the woodpecker Elvis, the heron called The Dragon Master and many others at The Elisabeth C. Miller Library, Center for Urban Horticulture, UW Botanic Gardens, 3501 N.E. 41st Street, Seattle 98145
Share refreshments with Larry at the Opening Reception on Friday January 10, 2014, 5 to 7pm.
Twenty-five percent of all purchases will be donated to the UW Botanic Gardens.
Arrest made in stabbing of Shoreline man
The Everett police department announced on Friday that an arrest has been made in the stabbing of a 25 year old Shoreline man in Everett on Thursday, December 26, 2013 (see previous story). The man was transported to Harborview, where he was said to be in stable condition.
18 year-old Tiana S. Star-Cox of Shoreline was booked into the Snohomish County Jail on probable cause for Assault 1 - DV. The Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office will determine if formal charges will be filed.
The incident occurred in a red 1995 Toyota Tercel which was impounded as evidence.
During interviews with detectives, it was established that the two are in a dating relationship.
At this time there is no further information.
Hospital mergers/expansion rules amended to give the public a voice
Rules filed with the state code reviser last week will improve access to information on services hospitals provide and give people a voice on proposed hospital affiliations.
The state Department of Health filed the rule revision after Gov. Jay Inslee directed the agency to assess rules about when a certificate of need review should be required with regard to changes in hospital control. The governor also asked the agency to consider ways to improve how information about medical facilities is made available to the public.
The certificate of need review process supports planned and orderly development of health care services and facilities. Certificate of need work includes developing new hospitals and expanding existing hospitals; the sale, purchase, or lease of all or part of a hospital; adding bed capacity in a nursing home; and more.
The rules filed today require a certificate of need application for any sale, purchase, or lease of a medical facility. That includes when a hospital enters into an arrangement that transfers control of the facility from one entity to another.
Before a transfer of ownership can take place, facilities must submit copies of policies on admission, non-discrimination, end-of-life care, and reproductive health care services to state health officials. All of that information will be posted on both the hospital and Department of Health websites for public access.
As hospitals look to join together, many people have asked for the opportunity to provide input into these mergers. Requiring the certificate of need process will allow the public to provide comments. The rule also makes important information about the facilities available to everyone.
The new rules go into effect Jan. 23, 2014 – 31 days after filing with the code reviser. After that date, all hospitals have an additional 60 days to submit policies to the department.
The updated certificate of need process helps ensure transparency with health care facilities and those who use them, and helps people make informed decisions on where to get medical care.
health and wellness
Shoreline Planning Commission meeting cancelled
Shoreline Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 2, 2014, has been cancelled.
Richmond Beach Library opening date changed to January 2, 2014
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Richmond Beach Library Photo by Steven H. Robinson |
Richmond Beach Library has a change in the re-opening date — the new date is January 2, 2014.
The magic program originally planned for Monday, December 30th will be rescheduled — date to be announced.
The Friends' Open House and goodbye gathering for Anina Coder Sill’s move to Shoreline Library has been changed to Saturday, January 18th from 2pm-5pm.
You may renew your items online or call 1-800-462-9600 or return them to any other King County Library during the closure. "We apologize for the inconvenience."
All KCLS Libraries will close at 5pm on New Year's Eve, Tues. Dec 31 and will be closed New Year's Day, Wed. Jan. 1.
Join the Running Club for a Polar Bear Plunge in Green Lake on New Year's Day
Friday, December 27, 2013
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Polar Bear Dip at Green Lake 2013 |
Join the Richmond Beach Running Club for a Polar Bear Plunge in Green Lake on New Year's Day, Wednesday, January 1, 2014,
Greenlake Run and Polar Plunge: 8:00am and 8:30am
Come join us for a New Year run and dip in the lake!
After running around the lake, for those brave enough we will have a quick dip off the dock before heading over to Starbucks to warm back up and share our 2014 goals.
The 8:00am start is for two laps around the lake and 8:30am for one. Meeting location is the Greenlake Pool parking lot at 7201 East Green Lake Dr N, Seattle, WA.
Even if you are not interested in taking the plunge, you are still more than welcome to join in for the run, coffee and goal-setting at Starbucks.
polar bear plunge,
Shorewood girls reach Friday semifinal of Archbishop Murphy basketball tournament after Thursday victory
The Shorewood girls' basketball team played in a Friday 10:45am semifinal of the Archbishop Murphy Christmas Tournament after a 56-15 victory over Anacortes. Archbishop Murphy was the Thunderbirds' Friday semifinal opponent.
The victory over Anacortes gave the T-bids a 4-3 overall record after a Monday loss to Mountlake Terrace.
Earlier in the week, Shorewood had dropped its Wesco 3A recrd to 0-3 with a 53-42 loss at Mountlake Terrace Monday. The Shorewood junior varsity defeated Terrace 54-22.
Young Bellingham playwright to be in the spotlight at Driftwood Players
The teen-age years are tough, no doubt about it, even for the most well-adjusted. Add a difficult home life and you’ve got a full-blown existential crisis. This is the topic of a new play being featured by The Edmonds Driftwood Players as part of their annual Spotlight on Local Playwrights.
“Self-Composed,” an edgy examination of self-identity and friendship, is a new play by young Bellingham author Lyssandra Norton.
“The inspiration for this play comes from the existential crisis that all college students go through in their early twenties. That moment when you realize the world is so much bigger than you thought it was, yet your network is incredibly connected. You can know everyone and no one at once…”
The Driftwood Players is not alone in recognizing the talented voice behind this play – “Self-Composed” was nominated for the David Mark Cohen playwrighting award and was a finalist for the Paula Vogel playwrighting award in 2012. Gritty yet lyrical, this play speaks with an honesty and compassion that is wise beyond its years. Featuring the talents of Tim Brandt, Addy Davis, Rebbe Foster, Deborah Jacoby, Luke Mirabal, and Yvonne Velez, “Self-Composed” is directed by Morgan S. Heetbrink. Suggested for ages 13 and over due to mature content.
Running one weekend only, January 16 - 19, 2014, Thursday, Friday, Saturday @ 8pm, Sunday @ 2pm. Tickets are $14.00. 425-774-9600.
Book Review by Aarene Storms: The Wells Bequest
The Wells Bequest by Polly Shulman
The New York Circulating Materials Repository is back! This library doesn't just lend out books. It also lends out significant (and sometimes magical) objects found in books and stories. In The Grimm Legacy (2010), we learned that the Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected more than just fairy tales -- they also collected magic carpets, talking mirrors, and many other objects found inside the stories.
Now, NYCMR head library page Jaya and new-hire Leo explore the contents of the Wells collection: powerful objects straight out of classic science fiction novels. These include robots, rockets, submarines, a shrink ray and, of course, a time machine. When another library page threatens to destroy New York with Nicola Tesla's death ray, Leo and Jaya must use the time machine and their own wits (and knowledge of literature) to preserve history.
Delightful, fluffy fiction for book lovers and library geeks. No sex, cussing, or bloodshed. A few kisses, a little bit of romance, and a lot of fun.
Recommended for readers ages 12 to adult.
The events may not have happened; still, the story is true. --R. Silvern
Aarene Storms, youth services librarian
Richmond Beach and Lake Forest Park Libraries, KCLS
aarene storms,
book review
Shorecrest boys continue play in Bothell basketball tournament Saturday
The Shorecrest boys' basketball team continues play Saturday in the Bothell Christmas tournament after a Friday game with Ingraham of Seattle. The Thunderbird JV and "C" teams also will play at Bothell Saturday, with both meeting Bothell at 2pm at Bothell High School.
The Shorecrest varsity took a 4-2 record into the tournament after a 77-50 home victory over Cedarcrest Monday. Masamba Njadoe led the Scots with 22 points and 11 rebounds. Teammate Drew Magaoay added 21 points.
Shorewood boys drop to Friday consolation round of Archbishop Murphy basketball tournament after 60-43 loss to Sammamish Thursday
The Shorewood boys’ basketball team dropped into a Friday morning consolation game in the Archbishop Murphy Christmas Tournament in Mill Creek after a 60-43 first-round loss to Sammamish Thursday.
The loss dropped the Thunderbirds’ season record to 5-2 after the team had won its first five games.
In the 60-43 loss to Sammamish, Zane Hopen led the T-birds with 12 points.
Sammamish 60, Shorewood 43
At Archbishop Murphy High School, Mill Creek
Thursday, Dec. 26
Shorewood ----- 8 11 15 9 -- 43
Sammamish -- 12 17 14 17 -- 60
Shorewood Scoring--Anxhelos Pere 1, Taylor Freeman 7, Brandon Mar 6, Jordan Muir-Keung 2, Karson Gronvold 4, Zane Hopen 12, Cameran Testerman 3, Sam Boone 5, Ian Kirk 3.
Shorewood will meet Washington Friday at 4pm at Archbishop Murphy High School in Mill Creek.
Special Sounder service for Seahawks game this Sunday
Sounder trains will serve Seahawks games this Sunday
Seattle Seahawks fans can skip gridlock and take Sound Transit's popular Sounder trains to the Seahawks 1:25pm game this Sunday against the St. Louis Rams. Special Sounder service is in addition to regular Link light rail service to and from the stadiums.
Inbound trains from Snohomish County will depart Everett at 10:15 and 10:30am with stops in Mukilteo and Edmonds, arriving at King Street Station at 11:14 and 11:29am.
Returns trains to Everett will leave Seattle 15 and 35 minutes after the game. An online schedule of Sounder trains serving Seahawks games is available here.
Link light rail serves 13 stations in downtown Seattle, SODO, Beacon Hill, Rainier Valley, Tukwila and SeaTac. Link's Stadium Station is a four-block walk from Century Link Field and Safeco Field.
Complete Sounder and Link schedule information here.
Regular fares will apply for all Sound Transit services. ORCA and all standing transit passes will be accepted. Getting an ORCA card is a great way to skip lines at ticket vending machines. Cards only cost $5 for adults, plus whatever amount a rider chooses to load in the card's E-Purse or the cost of a pass that is good for unlimited transit trips. ORCA works on trains, buses and ferries throughout the region. More information available here,
sound transit
Shoreline man stabbed in Everett
EVERETT, Wash. – Major Crimes detectives are investigating a stabbing after a man walks into a business and collapses.
Just after 7:45pm on December 26, 2013, a male entered a business in the 3000 block of Everett Ave. He had blood on this clothing and told employees he had been stabbed in the neck before collapsing on the floor. Employees provided immediate medical assistance to the male and called 911 to report the incident. When Everett Police arrived, an investigation was initiated and a female believed to be involved in the stabbing was detained.
The male, who is 25 years-old and from Shoreline, was transported to Providence Medical Center for treatment but has been moved to Harborview Medical Center due to his injures. The male is said to be in stable condition.
Detectives with the Major Crimes Unit are investigating the incident. They are interviewing the 18 year-old female and have impounded a vehicle where they believe the stabbing occurred. Pending the outcome of the interview, it is believed the female will be arrested and booked into the Snohomish County Jail on probable cause for assault.
The specific connection between the male and female is unknown at this time, but it is believed they are in a domestic relationship.
Korean fiber artist presentation at The Burke
From the Rhode Island School of Design, the internationally recognized Korean fiber artist, Chunghie Lee, presents a captivating talk on Bojagi (Pojagi), the traditional Korean wrapping cloth created from leftover scraps of fabric by women of a household. Used to wrap or carry everything from precious ritual objects to common everyday items, Bojagi flourished during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). A unique form of Korean textile art, Bojagi has been transformed today into a strikingly contemporary form of abstract expressionism.
Author of the authoritative study, Pojagi: Korean Traditional Wrapping Cloths, Lee has inspired artistic creations of wall pieces, sculptures and high fashion apparel throughout the world. Her Bojagi works are in the permanent collections of numerous museums, including the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and the Museum of Art and Design, New York City.
Sunday, February 9, 1-3pm at The Burke Museum (U.W. Seattle Campus).
FA3 members $10; Non-members: $15
Free parking
ArtXchange Gallery
John Pehrson
Drs. Thom and Cynthia Rekdal
Asian Pacific Cultural Center
Alan Lau, Arts Editor, International Examiner
A bojagi exhibit and the work of Chunghie Lee will be held at the ArtXchange Gallery in Pioneer Square throughout the month of February.
Metro Transit shuttles heading to Hawks game Dec. 29
Football fans who want an easy trip to the game this weekend can climb on King County Metro Transit game day shuttles to the Seahawks game on Sunday, Dec. 29, 2013.
Shuttles require cash fare and leave specific park-and-ride locations two hours before kickoff, and return to those park-and-rides after the game. Travelers in the SODO, Pioneer Square and downtown Seattle areas can expect severe traffic congestion and delays before and after Seahawks games and other stadium events.
Sunday, Dec. 29: Seahawks vs. Rams
Non-stop Seahawks shuttles to the 1:25pm Sunday, Dec. 29 game at CenturyLink Field leave designated park-and-ride lots beginning two hours before kickoff.
Metro’s Seahawks shuttles leave the Northgate Transit Center beginning two hours before kick-off. Each shuttle will leave as it is filled. The last shuttle leaves for the game about 35 minutes before kickoff. All pre-game shuttles arrive near CenturyLink Field on Fifth Avenue South at South Weller Street.
Cash-only fare is $4 each way or $8 for a round trip. No ORCA cards or passes are accepted for the shuttles. Exact change is required. Buses returning to the park and rides leave from Fifth Avenue South at South Weller Street. Details are on Metro’s Seahawks shuttle page.
Routes 16 and 66 from downtown Seattle to Northgate will be rerouted off of westbound South Jackson Street at Second Avenue Extension South from 9am to 6pm Sunday, Dec. 29, to avoid traffic congestion due to the game. Trips traveling from Northgate to downtown Seattle will not be rerouted.
For information about regular transit service to Seahawks games, or to plan other trips, visit Metro Online or Metro’s online Trip Planner. The Trip Planner provides information about scheduled service and stops, and does not take service revisions into account. After planning your trip, check Metro’s Service Advisories page to find out about any planned revisions to your routes.
Seattle Seahawks 2013 home schedule (kick-off times are subject to change)
1:25pm Sunday, Dec. 29 vs. Rams
On the third day of Christmas...
Thursday, December 26, 2013
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Photo by Lee Lageschulte |
On the third day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
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