Travels with Charlie: Always Worth Going for a Walk Because of the Unexpected...

Monday, February 3, 2025

Sunset at Golden Gardens

Story and photos by Gordon Snyder

After getting my headlight fixed at my friend's shop on 85th, Charlie and I headed down Golden Gardens Dr NW to catch a sunset break in the storm clouds. We walked along Golden Gardens Shoreline. Charlie went bonkers with all the marine air flavored sniffing in the cold wind.

As we walked, I noticed a couple wind kites zooming over the water and two folks out there swimming. Brrrr… The sunlighting was worth the chill.

Always worth going for a walk because of the unexpected.

Seattle Fire setting up around the boat launch at Golden Gardens

Back at the car warming up and sipping some coffee, I heard sirens. That may be common along Seaview Ave NW, but these were coming down the winding road we just drove down???

After a few minutes, there were about 8 Seattle Fire Vehicles establishing around the boat launch parking lot. 

Ladder was fully extended

I left Charlie in the car and went to get a closer look. At first I thought it was some form of practice session. The parking lot was basically empty. But, I notice the Hook and Ladder was extended. Sitting in the parking lot extended? Then I saw a couple wet suited rescue divers moving into action with other fire members.

Looking up, I noticed a Fireman at the end of the extended ladder. He was using binoculars trying to spot someone reported in trouble in the water.

Firefighter with binoculars at the top of the ladder

After several minutes and a bunch of communications amongst the fire team, he climbed down. Genius use of the extended ladder as a spotting tower for water emergencies.

Everyone was relieved there was no rescue needed. As they were packing up, I jokingly asked one of the Commanders if the Hook and Ladder came down Golden Gardens Dr? 

He laughed and said the rear cab would still be stuck at the first major curve. They came in from Ballard and others drove the curves.

Shout out to this group.

All in all, Another good outcome and not a tragedy.

Cheers to All You Folks That Keep Us Safe!
Gordon Snyder


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