Procedures for plowing and sanding local roads

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Photo courtesy City of LFP
Lake Forest Park just published this information about their policies for plowing and sanding roads.

It's a good thing to be aware of with potentially harsh weather in February.

Shoreline follows the same policies.

Lake Forest Park snowplow and sanding trucks will focus on clearing primary roads, school bus routes, and access to police and fire stations.

Primary roads will be cleared and sanded first, and we will continue to work on these roads as long as it is needed. 

When the primary roads remain in a safe condition, we will begin working on secondary roads and citizen calls for service.

The City will NOT plow private driveways, private roads, private parking lots, or steep hills that are unsafe for our equipment to drive on. 

If a snowplow leaves snow blocking a private driveway while clearing a road, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to clear the obstruction.

In LFP, if you have a service request, please submit the form online (preferred) or contact City Hall at 206-368-5440 during regular business hours (9am – 5pm, Monday through Friday). For after-hours public works issues, please call 206-296-8100.


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