Power has been out in Lake Forest Park since noon

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tree took out major power lines at 185th and Ballinger
Photo by Tracy Furutani

By Diane Hettrick

Main power lines run along Ballinger Way, so when the tree by 185th snapped and fell on the lines, it took out power to most of the city. LFP City Hall closed and I will presume that most, if not all of Town Center closed.

The tree fell with such force that it snapped the power pole
Photo by Tracy Furutani

City Light crews have been working for hours and are currently several hours past when they expected to be done in LFP.

Wires, tree, power pole all tangled together
Photo by Phyllis Johnson
Most of the original outages have been cleared. 

Outages were primarily east of the freeway. Ballinger was completely dark. Ballinger Village was completely closed. 

Every other traffic light was dark but fortunately there was very little traffic. The power is back on there now.

Photo by Phyllis Johnson
I didn't see it personally but it sounds like North City also had major outages. They're back on now.

It's very quiet outside now, at 3am, but there is a possibility of more wind.

I checked in with WeatherWatcher Carl Dinse earlier in the day. He said that he was recording high wind gusts at all his weather stations (from Richmond Beach to central Shoreline to north Everett) and was recording the highest winds he has seen in a year.


Anonymous,  June 4, 2024 at 11:21 AM  

Big, big thank you to the crews that tirelessly worked to help remove the dangerous downed power lines and return power.

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