Here's what's happening at Ching Gardens

Friday, June 7, 2024

We're winning the battle of the blackberries!
  • Those of you who haven't been to the garden in a few weeks will be surprised by the changes. A thick wood chip path has been laid down to aid in reaching the back areas of the garden. One crew has nearly reached the south fence line, and Inventory and assessment of orchard trees and perennials continues.
  • Rare finds last week include a backyard hose bib and a sturdy clothesline! Meanwhile, we have yet to discover the many treasures on the back third of the property.
  • We're working with Seattle Public Utilities to get the water line re-established, and asbestos removal in the house will soon be underway. House demolition is still in the permitting phase.
  • Weekly work parties continue, led by Diggin' Shoreline. Soon, we'll also have the flexibility to schedule parties for longer than 2 hours--a welcome change for folks who prefer to have a later start to their Saturday. Currently, work parties are limited to 15 volunteers. Parking is in the lot at Shoreline Community College nearest the garden.
  • New! We've added two Thursday morning work parties -- June 22 and 27 for those who prefer a weekday morning. If turnout is sufficient, we'll continue those in the summer months ahead.

All donations directly benefit the garden restoration and ongoing maintenance of the Ching Community Gardens. Diggin' Shoreline and GROW Northwest are all-volunteer 501(c)3 organizations. We thank you for your support.


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