Commercial Aviation Work Group preparing for takeoff

Thursday, September 7, 2023

OLYMPIA – The Commercial Aviation Work Group, created in House Bill 1791 has launched a website to promote community engagement, and applications are now being accepted for the governor-appointed positions. 

The work group will evaluate the long-range commercial aviation and transportation needs of the state, including alternatives for additional aviation capacity which includes expanding use of existing airports and multi-modal opportunities.

“This work group will focus on use of new technology, environmental stewardship and resiliency in aviation,”said Ann Richart, Washington State Department of Transportation aviation director. 
“Its members will be instrumental to considering how aviation can contribute to livable communities in Washington, particularly in western Washington.”

Requirements for the position applicants is on the Governors Board and Commission profiles website under "Commercial Aviation Work Group." Those interested can apply now, with application reviews starting October 9, 2023.

The group will use the previous information found during the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commissionas a baseline of information.

A new website for the Commercial Aviation Work Group allows people to sign up for updates and those who previously signed up for the CACC email updates are automatically on the Commercial Aviation Work Group email list

Updates will be sent out via email and on the website as information becomes available.


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