Washington State Animal Response Team members practice packing dog in carry litter

Saturday, January 6, 2024

WSART members pack Quinn, a willing participant into a litter
Photo courtesy WSART 

What you don't see in this picture is the wagging tail on the other side as Quinn, one of our member’s dogs, lets us practice with him during a training. 

We often need to pack a dog out in a litter and it's good to practice under good conditions with willing subjects so we can do our best when a dog is in pain.

We generally lay dogs sternal, so all four paws touch the litter along with their chests for comfort. The rolled foam is meant to keep him stable and in place and also keeps the webbing from putting pressure on him. 

The muzzle is standard safety protocol for us. Most dogs are fine, but a dog in pain being handled by a stranger does not behave as it would if it were safe and relaxed.

Though this is a training photo, WASART responds throughout the year to help injured dogs on hiking trails. Be safe and prepared out there, but we are ready to help should you need us.

--Washington State Animal Response Team (WASART) rescues pets and livestock in emergency situations: such as dogs over cliffs, horses in wells. Emergency Phone: 425-681-5498


Anonymous,  January 7, 2024 at 5:39 PM  

Best use of a pool noodle I've seen all year :)

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