Shoreline City Council meeting Monday, January 8, 2023 - oath of office for new councilmember terms; moratorium on transit bus bases
Thursday, January 4, 2024
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Shoreline City Hall Photo courtesy City of Shoreline |
You may attend the meeting in person, join via Zoom webinar, or listen to the meeting over the telephone.
Council is providing opportunities for public comment in person, remotely, or by submitting written comment.
In person public commenters must sign up in person prior to the start of public comment (around 7:15pm), and remote public commenters must sign-up online by 6:30pm the night of the meeting.
Items on the Consent Calendar include:
*To expedite meetings and reserve time for matters that need to be discussed, many local agencies have a section on their agendas labeled as the “consent calendar.” Items on the consent calendar are generally non-controversial items that do not require much, if any, discussion.
- Sign-Up to Provide Remote Public Comment
- Submit Written Public Comment
- Note: In person public commenters sign up in person the night of the meeting
- Attend the Meeting via Zoom Webinar:
- Call into the Live Meeting: 253-215-8782 - Webinar ID: 950 1500 6341
- At tonight’s meeting there will be an Oath of Office Ceremony for the newly elected Councilmembers: Council Position No. 2 Keith Scully, No. 4 Annette Ademasu, and No. 6 Betsy Robertson.
- This will be followed by election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor by the new Council.
Items on the Consent Calendar include:
- Authorize the City Manager to execute a Trail Lease Agreement with WSDOT for the 148th St. Non-Motorized Bridge Project (required to in order to use the space over I-5). No additional funding required.
- Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Purchase Order with SHI (SHI International Corp) in the Amount of $275,225.09 to Procure Replacement Network Infrastructure for Shoreline City Hall. Most of the City’s computer network infrastructure at City Hall has been in place for five or more years. This includes the core firewalls, switches, and wireless access points. The lifespan of most core infrastructure is five to six years.
- Authorize the City Manager to Enter into an Interagency Agreement with the Washington State Department of Commerce and to Accept $50,000 in Grant Funding to Prepare a Development Code Compliant with Washington State House Bill 1110 Adding Middle Housing Development Types in Zones Which Currently Only Allow Single-Family Development. The grant funds will be used to fund consultant tasks specific for middle housing such as evaluating compliance options detailed in HB 1110, public engagement on the topic of middle housing, and draft and final middle housing regulations.
*To expedite meetings and reserve time for matters that need to be discussed, many local agencies have a section on their agendas labeled as the “consent calendar.” Items on the consent calendar are generally non-controversial items that do not require much, if any, discussion.
Or they are items which have been studied and discussed and a consensus reached at previous meetings and all that is left is the formality of voting them through.
The consent calendar allows decision-makers to group such items together under one heading and vote them through in one action.
Any councilmember can ask for an item to be removed from the consent calendar for separate discussion. This enables the item to be considered and voted upon separately if discussion is needed or if a Councilmember needs to not vote on that item because of a disqualifying conflict of interest.
*Institute for Local Government
There is one Action Item and one Study Item on the Agenda.
Action Item: Public Hearing and Action on Ordinance No. 1004 - Extending the Moratorium on Transit Bus Bases and Individual Transportation and Taxi Facilities for 30 Days
City staff have developed permanent code amendments which were reviewed by the Planning Commission in the fall of 2023 and discussed by City Council on December 11, 2023. The permanent code amendments were tentatively scheduled for action at tonight’s meeting. However, staff requests that potential action on the permanent regulations be taken on January 22, 2024, and that the emergency moratorium be extended for 30 days via Ordinance No. 1004 tonight.
Note that tonight’s action has to do with the extension. This will allow additional time for public comment on the permanent code amendments scheduled to be adopted on January 22.
Study Item: Discussion of the Human Services Strategic Plan
The City has provided funding for human services that serve Shoreline residents since 1996, shortly after the City’s incorporation. As the City grew, components of the Human Services program have been modified and shifted along with our changing community. A Human Services Strategic Plan will allow the City to review City programs, policies, staffing and best practices to make recommendations that will guide the work of the City. No action is required tonight. Staff are scheduled to return to Council at their February 26, 2024 Council meeting to present draft recommendations for further review and discussion.
--Pam Cross
The consent calendar allows decision-makers to group such items together under one heading and vote them through in one action.
Any councilmember can ask for an item to be removed from the consent calendar for separate discussion. This enables the item to be considered and voted upon separately if discussion is needed or if a Councilmember needs to not vote on that item because of a disqualifying conflict of interest.
*Institute for Local Government
There is one Action Item and one Study Item on the Agenda.
Action Item: Public Hearing and Action on Ordinance No. 1004 - Extending the Moratorium on Transit Bus Bases and Individual Transportation and Taxi Facilities for 30 Days
City staff have developed permanent code amendments which were reviewed by the Planning Commission in the fall of 2023 and discussed by City Council on December 11, 2023. The permanent code amendments were tentatively scheduled for action at tonight’s meeting. However, staff requests that potential action on the permanent regulations be taken on January 22, 2024, and that the emergency moratorium be extended for 30 days via Ordinance No. 1004 tonight.
Note that tonight’s action has to do with the extension. This will allow additional time for public comment on the permanent code amendments scheduled to be adopted on January 22.
Study Item: Discussion of the Human Services Strategic Plan
The City has provided funding for human services that serve Shoreline residents since 1996, shortly after the City’s incorporation. As the City grew, components of the Human Services program have been modified and shifted along with our changing community. A Human Services Strategic Plan will allow the City to review City programs, policies, staffing and best practices to make recommendations that will guide the work of the City. No action is required tonight. Staff are scheduled to return to Council at their February 26, 2024 Council meeting to present draft recommendations for further review and discussion.
--Pam Cross
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