Collaboration between Shoreline Police and Lake Forest Park Police led to the quick capture of a burglar

Sunday, October 11, 2020

On October 5, 2020, a Shoreline woman called 911 to say she woke up to find a stranger in her apartment. 

When he saw her, the suspect ran. He had a blue backpack and, oddly, was using a ‘cat carrier’ as a way to hold some of the items he had stolen, which included an iPad. 

The caller’s husband ran out of the apartment to chase the suspect.

Deputies were dispatched to the apartment complex, located in the 19900 block of 19th Ave NE in Ballinger. 

The husband was able to tell them the suspect was on foot, headed southbound on 19th Avenue NE.

Because this was so close to the Shoreline/Lake Forest Park border, the Lake Forest Park police were also notified.

Soon after, LFP PD found the suspect. The victim pinged the stolen iPad and it matched the location of the arrest. The victim was also able to identify stolen items from her apartment.

In the victim's apartment, deputies discovered the suspect had left behind a knife that he had used to slash the window screen. He had used an outdoor chair to crawl through the window.

The suspect was arrested and booked into the King County Jail on investigation of Residential Burglary.


Thinker October 11, 2020 at 9:00 AM  

Good job. Thankfully the police hav not been defunded yet.

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