Shoreline council agenda for August 2, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
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Shoreline City Council 2021 |
Action Item 7(a) Action on the Purchase of Property Located at 19827 25th Avenue NE, Identified as King County Tax Parcel No. 042604-9030-07; and Authorizing the City Manager to Take the Necessary Steps to Complete the Property Purchase
This a motion to approve the purchase and sale contract for 19827 25th Avenue NE, a 20,000-square-foot parcel adjacent to Brugger’s Bog Park. The proposed Brugger’s Bog expansion would allow for the development of park amenities outside of the park’s wetland and stream buffers. It is included as one of the five parks identified for expansion in the Proposition No. 1 Park Bond Measure that will be before voters on the fall 2021 ballot.
Study Item 8(a) Discussing Ordinance No. 939 - Authorizing a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Zayo Group, LLC to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair a Telecommunications System Over, Along, Under, and Through Designated Public Rights-of-way in the City of Shoreline
As per Shoreline Municipal Code (SMC) Section 12.25.010, all entities using the City’s rights-of-way for operation and maintenance of their facilities are required to have a non-exclusive franchise with the City. This fiber cable runs underground the length of Aurora Ave N., as a “pass through.” Zayo will provide no voice, cable, video, residential or end user services in Shoreline.
Study Item 8(b) Discussion of Resolution No.482 - Amending the Employee Handbook
Proposed updates to the Employee Handbook include, among others, “housekeeping” changes, clarifications, inclusion of Juneteenth as an officially recognized City paid holiday, and modification of select practices to be consistent between the represented and non-represented employee policies.
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