Explore the Poetry of Rumi in this online class from Shoreline Community College

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Explore why Rumi is considered one of the greatest “spiritual” poets of all time and the best-selling poet in America today in Rumi: Poet of the Heart, an online course offered by Continuing Education at Shoreline Community College.

Join facilitator Robert Stahl to experience the work of Rumi, a Persian “Sufi” poet working in the 13th Century, and understand why his mystical verse still resonates deeply. 

His poems deal with themes such as: love, longing, friendship, joy, silence, loss, and the “unseen world.” The text for this class will be Rumi: The Big Red Book by Coleman Barks.

Fee: $99
Dates: 7/7/21 - 7/28/21 (Wednesdays)
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Online via Zoom

Click here to view the full details for this course and register today! Questions? Please email continuing-ed@shoreline.edu


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