Rain gardens, the health of Echo Lake, and the Parks Bond at the Echo Lake Neighborhood Association Tuesday

Monday, March 15, 2021

Shoreline city staff will be joining the virtual meeting of the Echo Lake Neighborhood Association (ELNA) on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 7pm.

After the business meeting, there will be three different presentations:
  • The health of Echo Lake
  • The city's rain garden program
  • The bond issue details - improving parks and acquiring new park land
ELNA holds meetings - now on zoon - on the third Tuesday of these months: January - June, September - November. In non-pandemic times, there is a picnic on the third Tuesday in July, and Food Truck events in Echo Lake Park in August. 

ELNA is on the web: www.EchoLakeNeighborhood.org on Facebook: Echo Lake Neighborhood and can be contacted by email ELNABoard@gmail.com or message phone ‭(206) 486-5712‬. If you live or work in the Echo Lake neighborhood, send an email or fill out the Contact Form on the website to be added to the contact list for ELNA.


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