Twenty Einstein Middle School students make the finals at Technology Student Association state conference

Friday, March 31, 2023

Einstein TSA Team
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

Twenty Einstein Middle School Technology Students Association (TSA) members attended the four-day state conference and competed.

More than 1600 students from 120 middle and high schools competed in events such as Coding, Website Design, Robotics, Cybersecurity, Essays on Technology, Fashion Design, Tech Bowl, and more.

All of the Einstein students made it to the finalist level or higher, and Einstein placed first, second, or third in 14 individual and team events!

CAD Foundations
2nd Place: Maya Mirabueno

Career Prep
Semifinalist: Velvet Wu

Children's Stories
2nd Place: Willem Brus, Reese Davison, Coren Murphy, Julia Schielke
Semifinalists: Christina Clark, Czarina Clark, Daphne Laclergue

1st Place: Ellery Ang-Lee, Ezra Miller
Semifinalists: Jason Logan, Michael Owoola

2nd Place: Ellery Ang-Lee

Data Science Analytics
Finalists: Ellery Ang-Lee, Ezra Miller

Digital Photography
1st Place: Daphne Laclergue
2nd Place: Yeva Gomilko
Semifinalist: Jay Olyander

Essays on Technology
1st Place: Czarina Clark
3rd Place: Maya Mirabueno 3RD PLACE
Finalist: Daphne Laclergue

Fashion Design
2nd Place: Willem Brus, Reese Daison, Coren Murphy, Julia Schielke

Finalists: Maya Mirabueno, Velvet Wu

Mass Production
Finalists: Christina Clark, Czarina Clark
Finalists: Jason Logan, Michael Owoola, Eloise Reinhardt, Anthony Ung

Microcontroller Design
Finalists: Jason Logan, Michael Owoola

Off the Grid
Finalist: Mac Featherstone

On-Demand Video
1st Place: Willem Brus, Christina Clark, Reese Davison, Coren Murphy, Julia Schielke
Finalists: Yeva Gomilko, Eli Graves, Jay Olander, Anthony Ung, Velvet Wu

STEM Animation
Finalists: Aaden Claar, Mac Featherstone

Tech Bowl
1st Place: Eli Graves, Jay Olander, Anthony Ung

Technical Design
Finalists: Willlem Brus, Reese Davison

Video Game Design
Semifinalists: Willem Brus, Reese Davison, Mac Featherstone, Jula Schielke

Website Design
1st Place: Coren Murphy, Eloise Reinhardt, Velvet Wu
2nd Place: Jason Logan, Michael Owoola
3rd Place: Christina Clark, Czarina Clark, Daphne Laclergue


Anonymous,  March 31, 2023 at 3:44 PM  

What a fantastic accomplishment for these kids and a feather in Einsteins cap! Congrats

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