Rep. Pollet says legislature’s tax breaks will ensure jobs

Monday, November 11, 2013

By Evan Smith

Democratic 46th District State Rep. Gerry Pollet says that the tax exemptions that the Legislature passed in its recent special session “will enable our state to secure tens of thousands of jobs directly in, and related to, aerospace and the 777X.”

Pollet added Saturday that he was pleased that the new tax exemptions are subject to review after a few years to prove if exemptions actually create family wage jobs and generate more revenue than they cost.

“We will also make a major investment in our community and technical colleges to provide the opportunity for thousands of families to work in the aerospace industry for years to come, he said.

Pollet represents Lake Forest Park, Kenmore and northeast Seattle.

Evan Smith can be reached via email


Sarah3ahary March 26, 2014 at 11:47 AM  

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