Comments deadline Sunday for the 145th Street Corridor Study

Saturday, October 10, 2015

By Robin Lombard
145th St Citizens' Committee

For those of you (like me) who were not able to make it to the 145th Corridor Study Open House on Sept 30, you still have an opportunity to see the materials and provide feedback.

If you go to the 145th Corridor Study page, you can read about the open house. There are links to the display boards, the presentation, and a feedback opportunity through an online comment form. This form asks your opinion of the importance of several aspects of the corridor (multiple choice questions). There is also a general feedback box at the end of the form. 

Online commenting is only available through Sunday, October 11.


Janet Way October 11, 2015 at 10:42 AM  

Thanks for the update and reminder. Though I was not able to attend this meeting, I hear there was a huge turnout by citizens, approximately 300! That is an indication of the need for more and better presentations, not less.

The reports I heard were of inadequate staff planning for this event, inadequate sound systems. There was great difficulty for attendees to actually ask questions and here what is being planned for a corridor that affects thousands daily! And which will have drastic impacts on neighboring residents.

This outreach and presentation must be improved. The City was warned by the WA Cities Insurance agency that their public involvement plan on the Comp Plan update was inadequate. The scale of this project requires a much better execution of public involvement than was provided here.

Didn't the City learn anything from the Rezones processes? Over and over, hundreds of people came out. This is too important to leave to a mob scene.

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