Evan Smith: Kagi hasn’t closed the door on a Senate run

Friday, May 14, 2010

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Democratic State Rep. Ruth Kagi apparently hasn’t closed the door on a run for the State Senate seat that Democratic Sen. Darlene Fairley is vacating.

After the 32nd Legislative District Democratic Committee announced Thursday that it had endorsed State Rep, Maralyn Chase for senator, former Shoreline Councilwoman Cindy Ryu for Chase’s position and Kagi for re-election, I asked Kagi whether she had decided against a try for the Senate. She responded that she was “still thinking.”

Fairley announced in late April that she would retire after 16 years in the Senate. Chase then announced her candidacy for the Senate seat and Ryu for Chase’s seat.

Kagi, who had been inclined to keep her influential position in the House of Representatives, got pressure from Senate Democrats to run for the Senate. However, a week ago she told me that she was giving it a “second thought.”

Kagi could end up in a primary against Chase and Republican David Baker, with the top two vote-getters advancing to the November general election.

A run against Chase would break Kagi's relationship with the District Democrats, who have long supported Chase but not supported Fairley. Kagi has stayed out of intra-party battles, keeping good relations with both camps.


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