Found: Dan Short 3-15-18

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Found: Dan Short #2
To find Dan Short, we had to get out of the car and hike down behind the site of the old Cedarbrook Elementary School on Perkins Way, to Whispering Creek.

It's in the wooded area next to the open fields at NE 190th St and 20th Ave NE that are not quite officially a park.

20th Ave NE at that place is the dividing line between Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.

The Whisper Creek Habitat Restoration Site is a project of the Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation, which has done a lot of work on the site.
If you didn't know this one - better luck next week.


Dan Short,  March 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM  

The path that you see over the footbridge and next to the fence was once a short street that connected 20th NE and 190th. The stream (Whisper Creek) ran through a culvert. At some point the neighbors persuaded the city to tear up the street and culvert and restore the creek.

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