On the Mayor's Mind 5.17.15 - a busy spring

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Shoreline Mayor Shari Winstead
On the Mayor’s Mind

It’s been a busy Spring around my house. What started as an idea of changing a few rooms around ended up being a pretty significant “facelift” on the main room of our house. I’m happy to say that after a few intense weeks of painting, buying and moving furniture, and my favorite project, re-facing our fireplace, we are done, and enjoying our “new” old house!

A couple of years ago we created a lovely outdoor space, and it feels fabulous to have the inside as comfy as the outside. We now consider ourselves true DIYers! The list of house projects continues to grow, next time it might actually include tearing out some cabinets – but we'll see about that! It is a really good feeling to do the work yourself, and it saves you a bundle.

Spending many hours painting is a good time for reflection.

It’s hard to believe that last year at this time my son and daughter-in-law were announcing their pregnancy – and now I have an amazing five-month-old grandson, Cameron. Watching our family grow brings me more happiness than I could have ever imagined. I continue to find immense joy in spending time with my family and ever growing circle of friends. No one can replace your old friends who have been with you through thick and thin, but it sure is fun to meet new people and create new friendships.

I would be remiss to not mention the work the Council has done this year. It’s been a tough year, but it’s been a good year. Despite some varying opinions, and hours of reflection, I wouldn't have done anything different, and I continue to stand by the work we have done. I continue to look forward to summertime in Shoreline, especially celebrating the 20 year anniversary of Shoreline’s incorporation at Celebrate Shoreline, on August 15!

And with that I will wish you a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  I hope you will be able to spend time doing things or with people that make you smile. Let us also take a moment to remember those who gave their lives while serving in the armed forces, the reason for Memorial Day.

See you around Shoreline!

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