Letter to the Editor: we have a candidate for Mayor who can move LFP into the future

Saturday, August 6, 2011

To the Editor,

On Wednesday evening, the League of Women Voters sponsored a Candidate Forum to give the LFP mayoral candidates an opportunity to clarify their views, positions, and visions. The three candidates are Dwight Thompson, current LFP councilmember and Deputy Mayor, Mary Jane Goss, former LFP councilmember, and Stan Lippmann, physicist and self-described “politician”.

The forum was most interesting and enlightening. I was particularly struck by one question. The candidates were asked “If there were no limits on budgets, what would your vision for the future of Lake Forest Park be?”

Candidate Thompson responded that he would love to see a redevelopment of our Towne Centre including several housing and commercial options; development of our Southern Gateway along Bothell Way increasing access to our City and connectivity with our neighbors; preservation and expansion of Senior Services to assure that our aging population would have the services they need to be able to remain in their homes; preservation of our environment and the Burke Gilman Trail, and several other forward-looking dreams for our City.

Candidate Lippmann responded that he would like to create a local bank and a tax free, solar powered utopia.

Candidate Goss responded that she would like to essentially keep LFP just like it is now.

My question is: What does Mrs. Goss really mean by this? Would she like to see LFP continue to lose our young families for lack of community parks and youth activities? Does she want to maintain our current situation of being so strapped for funds that it is difficult to maintain our roads and parks, retain sufficient City staff, support our senior services, or even fund a hard-copy newsletter? Is she opposed to all community and commercial development that just might attract new families and business ventures which could add revenues for our City?

Given our three choices, thank goodness we have a candidate in Dwight Thompson who is dedicated to moving LFP into the future, preserving our past, and maintaining the sense of community that we all treasure.

George and Betsy Piano
Lake Forest Park


Anonymous,  August 6, 2011 at 6:30 AM  

When I read the headline, I thought this was going to be a letter endorsing Stan Lippmann...

Evan Smith,  August 6, 2011 at 7:10 AM  

Forum on Wednesday? The news story said Monday, Which is it?

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