Theo Roussos wins St. Luke Geographic Bee

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Photo by simonkoleznik
Theo Roussos, a 7th grade student at St. Luke School, won the school-level competition of the National Geographic Bee on January 7, 2011 and a chance at a $25,000 college scholarship. The school-level Bee, at which students answered oral questions on geography, was the first round in the 23rd annual National Geographic Bee. This year’s Bee is sponsored by Google Educators.

The kickoff for this year’s Bee was the week of November 15, with thousands of schools around the United States and in the five U.S. territories participating. The school winners, including Theo, will now take a written test; up to 100 of the top scorers in each state will be eligible to compete in their state Bee April 1. 2011.

The National Geographic Society will provide an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. for state champions and teacher-escorts to participate in the Bee national championship rounds on May 24 and 25, 2011. The first-place national winner will receive a $25,000 college scholarship, a lifetime membership in the Society, and a trip to the Galapagos Islands, courtesy of Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic.

“Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebeck will moderate the national finals on May 25. The program will air on television. Check local listings for dates and times.

Everyone can test their geography knowledge with the GeoBee Challenge, an online geography quiz which poses 10 new questions a day, or by downloading the GoeBee Challenge app for iPhones, iPods, and iPads.

The National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. Founded in 1888 to “increase and diffuse geographic knowledge,” the Society’s mission is to inspire people to care about the planet. It reaches more that 375 million people worldwide each month through its official journal, National Geographic, and other magazines; National Geographic Channel; television documentaries; music; radio; films; books; DVDs; maps; exhibitions; live events; school publishing programs; interactive media; and merchandise. National Geographic has funded more than 9,400 scientific research, conservation and exploration projects and supports and education program promoting geographic literacy.


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