Shoreline Proposition 1 forum

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The September meeting of the 32nd District Democrats on Wednesday, September 8, at 7 pm at the Masonic Hall Shoreline, 185th and Linden, will feature a forum on Shoreline Proposition 1. The Proposition would allow the City of Shoreline to raise the property tax.

The forum will have a speaker from the City of Shoreline, to present factual information about the Proposition.

Citizens from the Yes and No advocacy groups will present their positions and have an opportunity to rebut statements from the other side. 

Speaking for the Yes on Proposition 1 will be Carolyn Hope, chair of the volunteer committee. 

Speaking for the No on Proposition 1 will be Arthur Peach, spokesperson for the No volunteer committee.


Anonymous,  September 8, 2010 at 10:24 PM  

It is interesting to note that a resolution to oppose Prop 1 was already on the agenda before they heard from the presenters at the meeting. What kind of Democratic process is this?

Anonymous,  September 9, 2010 at 9:11 AM  

It's the kind of democratic process where any member may submit a resolution on any topic to be considered by the body. Is there some other kind of democratic process you would prefer?

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