Shoreline Caucus meeting Tuesday, September 21

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The community is welcome to join the Shoreline Caucus next Tuesday evening for a presentation by Shahram Hadian, Primary candidate in the 44th Legislative District and, and Kerry Hooks, Act! for America.

Shahram was born in Iran and, now an American citizen, serves as pastor of Christ the King Community Church in Lynnwood. Act! for America was founded by Brigitte Gabrielle, a noted national speaker, and together Shahram and Kerry will give us a compelling presentation on the real and very long-term danger of radical Islam – that of using our own legislators and laws to move our country to resemble England, France, the Netherlands, and other countries where Islamic law plays a strong and increasing role in those countries’ governance.

Their message is clear – with the election approaching, we must elect legislators who respect all individuals and faiths, but who clearly see the long-term danger posed by Islam, and who are willing to stand up to political correctness and work for the Founders’ vision of America.

Tuesday evening, September 21
6:30 pm (refreshments), 7:00 pm program
Innis Arden Clubhouse
1430 NW 188th St
Shoreline 98177

RSVPs helpful but not required.


Anonymous,  September 18, 2010 at 2:57 PM  

I can't believe the Shoreline Area News believes that posting a meeting that identifies a specific religion as dangerous is reasonable.

The US Constitution includes protections for the practice of freedom of religion. The Pilgrims, when they left England, were not considered to be Christians in the time during which they lived.

Evan Smith,  September 18, 2010 at 3:37 PM  

Note that the legislative candidate who is speaking got less than 19 percent of the 44th District vote.

Peter Henry,  September 19, 2010 at 11:37 PM  

I've submitted the comment below as a letter to the editor:

September 19 you carried a notice for a Shoreline Caucus meeting featuring Shahram Hadian and Act! for America. This is indeed America, and one of our traditions I rejoice in is the vigorous exercise of freedom of expression - even if this expression is strong and offensive. Indeed, even Nazi Party marches are protected. However, just because some expression is protected does not mean it is worthy of being promoted. I would hope that the Shoreline Area News would refrain from promoting a Nazi march.

You are approaching this standard with your promotion of the Shoreline Caucus meeting. I will quote a single line from the announcement:

Their message is clear – with the election approaching, we must elect legislators who respect all individuals and faiths, but who clearly see the long-term danger posed by Islam, and who are willing to stand up to political correctness and work for the Founders’ vision of America.

This is an unacceptable example of sheer bigotry. Can you even imagine publishing this notice if the faith, "Islam," were replaced by another faith such as "Judaism," "Catholicism," or "LDS?" One thing all of these faiths have in common with Islam is their believers have at one time or another been oppressed in the United States.

We are a tolerant community in Shoreline (and parts north - I live in Edmonds). In the same issue you note approvingly how the community supports Tent City, the homeless encampment. We don't have any room for bigots here, and it is never being overly politically correct to call them by their name.

Peter Henry

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