Senator Fairley announces the winners of her contest for favorite non-profits

Monday, September 13, 2010

As announced in the ShorelineAreaNews on July 25 of this year, retiring Senator Darlene Fairley said she would award $2500 from her unused campaign funds to a non-profit organization, based on nominations from readers.  So, in Sen. Fairley's words:

And the winner is---

After 107 entries from my constituents (I decided not to count entries from people outside my district.) asking me to give the money to 32 different non-profits, I decided that I needed a 1st place ($2500), a 1st runner up ($1000) and an honorable mention ($500) category.


Though I didn't realize it until after picking them for first place, and it wasn't a criteria, the North Helpline Emergency Services and Food Bank did receive more nominations than any of the others.

Statistics tell the story:
Emergency Services
Household Visits
Total Dollars

Food Bank
Clients seen per week
Individuals fed
Weekly volunteers

Mary's Place had several people who wrote very eloquent emails telling me about the work of Mary's Place--a day shelter for homeless women and their children.

I awarded the Stewardship Foundation $500 in honor of the work they have done with the Grace Cole park and in memory of my former colleague.

I was also very impressed with Vision House: Jacob's Well, under construction in Shoreline, just off Ballinger Way.  If it had already been in operation, it would have been a serious contender. 

My thanks to everyone who wrote to tell me about the important nonprofit organizations that so many of you are giving your time and money to support.  Your messages were passionate and heartfelt and your commitment to the community is impressive. I have always been proud to be your representative in the state legislature.


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