Evan Smith: Baker likes prospects to defeat Chase

Thursday, September 2, 2010

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Republican David Baker says that the political climate is right for him to defeat Democrat Maralyn Chase for the open 32nd District State Senate seat.

Baker said Wednesday that he is encouraged because most primary voters voted for someone other than Chase.

He noted that this was the first time in 16 years that a Democratic candidate for 32nd District State Senate had taken less than 50 percent of the primary vote.

He also said that Chase’s 48 percent of the primary vote marked the first time in her five campaigns that she has taken less than half of the primary vote.

Baker added that general-election voters will be responsive to his message of job creation, economic growth, fiscal responsibility, and opportunity for small business.
“General election turnout will be very heavy for a candidate like me — a candidate with a record of fiscal responsibility and promoting economic growth,” he said.

“On the key issues this year -- fiscal responsibility, out-of-control government spending, and taxes -- there is a sharp contrast between my message and that of Maralyn Chase. As the voters focus attention on the campaign in September and especially in October, the increased importance of these issues will work to my advantage.”
He said that tax-related initiatives on the November ballot will bring out voters who will favor him.
“The voters will be electing practical-minded, fiscally responsible candidates because there is no other way to achieve a superior business climate, economic growth, and job creation,” he added.
Primary vote totals certified by King and Snohomish County officials Wednesday:

Candidate –Party
King County Votes
Snohomish County
Patty Butler – D
  3,275 - 12.69%    
   640 - 11.46%
  3,915 – 12.47%
Maralyn Chase - D 
12,418 - 48.13%
2,510 - 44.93%
14,928 – 47.56%
David Baker - R
10,063 - 39.00%
2,415 - 43.23%
12,478 – 39.76%
       44 –- 0.17% 
      21  0.38%
       65  –- 0.21%
Total Votes
25,800 100.00%
5,586 100.00%
31,386 –100.00%

Total Ballots



Anonymous,  September 2, 2010 at 12:16 PM  

That is an interesting take on the numbers, because the same numbers also say more people voted against Baker than they did Chase; more political spin and nothing more.

Anonymous,  September 2, 2010 at 2:48 PM  

As much as I swore that I would never again vote for a republican, I am now recanting that decision. I would much rather have a republican in that office than Maralyn Chase who is divisive, non-team player, unfriendly, and even her own peers in Olympia avoid her.

Anonymous,  September 2, 2010 at 5:14 PM  

Anonymouse @2:48pm Divisive?

Then you should go check out what is going on in Kenmore - a councilmember who is a financial professional did his job as he was elected to do, which is review the budget and question it. So the city manager filed suit against him, using City of Kenmore money, and Baker voted to go along with this plan.

I ask of you - was it wrong to to question the city manager as a councilmember, nope, that their job, to make sure public funds are spent responsibly (particularly during a recession). Is it a responsible use of city funds to finance the city manager's suit against a councilmember, when it is a personal grievance, nope and nope. And here is the crux of your gripe, is it divisive of Baker to allow this donnybrook to develop and continue, in fact even facilitate it? Absolutely.

Did you even know about the doings in Kenmore, or are you just repeating gossip you've heard?

Or how about this one from Kenmore? Baker & the majority signed a lease agreement for acres of land in Kenmore with a developer for $1 per year, the same developer whose project has gone into foreclosure in the public-private venture with the City of Burien? I think they only sold two condos, the Kenmore City Council and Baker should have known Urban partners was having problems because it was written up in the Seattle Times prior to their vote. But, hey, take heart, they were united in their bad decision, weren't they?

JEDH September 3, 2010 at 5:29 PM  

Classic spinning of figures, classic spinning of character traits of someone you don't know (anonymous 2), classic spinning of the real tax issues:

Big Business and Big real estate owners are not paying their fair share of taxes to support the needs of civilization that taxes pay for. The rest of us are paying nearly all of the burden.

So yes, the tax burdens must change. So T.E.A. for us-the basic income and asset folks, but no T.E.A. for the ones instigating and leading the Tea Party.

Baker must remain positive in order to stay in this race. Is that all he has that is truly factual and meaningful?

Anonymous,  September 3, 2010 at 7:21 PM  

Actually the Councilmember in Kenmore is a nut and, JEDH, I do know Maralyn Chase. I wouldn't want her representing me if she were my last remaining democratic choice.

Anonymous,  September 4, 2010 at 12:09 AM  

Anonymouse @7:21 pm

What say you then to the public give away of Kenmore Village to Urban Partners for $1 per year, the same group involved in the bankrupt scheme in the Burien Town Center?

BTW, you want to call the Kenmore Councilmember a nut, that is interesting because the city manager is filing a case based on defamation of character, I believe you might be more careful.

Anonymous,  September 4, 2010 at 10:35 AM  

Ooh, scary. You're funny. The nice thing about being an average citizen commenting on a blog is the first amendment. The republicans at least haven't yet killed that.

JEDH September 4, 2010 at 10:12 PM  

To those anonymous TEA party Republicans up there: Conservative Repubs are more about financial power for the few, than financial health of everyone.

No real Dem would ever kill the first amendment. It's the basis for Democracy, for heaven sakes.

Conservative Republican Corporatists rely on restricting the public voice in order to have the most control over the economic situation/commerce/jobs.....I feel like I'm having a blog discussion with a proficient Facebook troll.

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