Shoreline Police Blotter 7-22 to 7-28-2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

By Diane Hettrick, Categories are my creation

Fraud and identify theft
7-22….198xx Fremont N. Subject was paying tickets in Las Vegas when clerk asked what he wanted to do about the traffic infraction on 4/23 when he “wasn’t carrying ID”. Someone had stolen his identity.
7-23….1121 N 205, Bank of America. Person opened an account the previous day at another branch with forged checks, then tried to make a withdrawal from the AV branch.
7-28….163xx Fremont. Wallet lost or stolen from subject on southbound 358 bus. Attempted to use credit card in Renton Walmart but it was declined.

Garden variety theft
7-28…..17920 Meridian, Zion Presbyterian. Broke into storage shed and took lawn care equipment.
7-28….19290 Aurora, YMCA. Purse in unlocked gym locker at YMCA. Stole cell phone and credit card.
7-28….185/Aurora, Bartells. Subject shoplifted razors.

The Family Plan
7-22….5xx NW 201 Ct. Mother and son fighting, yelling. He took her car and returned it a couple of hours later, but she had already called the police.
7-27….21xx N 154. Sister moved in with brother. They fought over living arrangements. She keyed his car. He called cops.

Drunks and Punks
7-22….17001 Aurora, Parkers. Man was drunk and refused to leave. Removed and Trespassed from Parkers.
7-24….722 N 145, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal. Juvenile cracked the plastic cover on sign.
7-27….17554 15 NE, North City Tavern. Assault. Victim struck several times with wooden plank. Victim later located suspect through Facebook.
7-28….177xx 15 NW. Responding to a noise disturbance. Asked subject to stand in front of police car. He put an alcoholic beverage on the hood of the car. Gave a false name.

Takin’ it to the streets
7-22….NE 160/15 NE. Motorcycle, reckless speeding. Police pursuit, arrest. Driver had 9 tabs of Soboxsone in pocket. (Used to treat heroin addiction)
7-23….2300 N 175. Driving with License Suspended. Arrested.
7-24….N 173/Dayton N. Subject stole a car, got in a hit and run, fled on foot.

And not to neglect cars and bikes…
7-23….165xx 18 NE. Bicycle stolen.
7-26….3xx NW 176 Pl. Car prowl, unlocked car, took items.
7-27….10xx NW 178. Van in garage. Prowled. Took beer from garage.
7-27….173xx Fremont, Shorewood parking lot. Stole front license plate.

Golden Gardens allows bonfires – what’s our problem?
7-26….20xx NW 190. Illegal bonfire on beach at Richmond Beach Park.

Open season on campaign signs
7-27….NE 155/15 NE. Two dozen campaign signs removed. Broke stakes.


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