Letter to the Editor: LFP Prop 1: Whom do you trust? Clarification.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To the Editor:

There are a number of things in this editorial that require clarification.

The NO committee DID NOT say “that a 1 percent annual property-tax increase limit was a mandate from the people and that no city should go above it.” The NO committee did say that the City was asking the people to override the tax increase protection currently afforded by State law.

The NO committee DID NOT say “that no staff members should be paid over $100,000 a year (including benefits) in such a small city.” We believe that there are positions in the LFP government that merit this compensation - just not 1/3 of City staff! This point was raised by Council Member Sterner who said that only a few employees had salaries over $100,000/year. He chose not to include the cost of benefits in compensation figures - a substantial amount. The citizens pay for both salaries and benefits, but I guess Mr. Sterner did not want to acknowledge those compensation costs.

The NO committee DID NOT say, “a small city like LFP should have a small government.” The NO committee did say that the LFP government and programs should be made to fit the City’s limited primarily residential tax base.

The facts about Proposition 1 are clearly articulated on the NO Prop 1 website.

We believe that the citizens should trust other informed citizens; your friends, neighbors, elected officials, and former councilmembers who are listed on our website. Most of the citizens who are listed on the Yes LFP website are individuals or members of organizations that benefit directly from City funding.

Who should you trust? Trust your own judgment.

Please vote NO on Prop 1 on August 17th.

Stephen P. Plusch
Lake Forest Park


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