Friday Round Table - Get LinkedIn with Joe Adams

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Reservations required for this session. Email Ron Carnell or phone 206-533-6706 and leave a message.

Would you like to have a brand, spankin’ new Linkedin account by Friday afternoon? Or get your current Linkedin page tuned up?

This Friday's Roundtable (11/13): Get Linkedin, with Joe Adams!
If you have not yet included social networking as part of your job seeking activities, you absolutely do not want to pass up this Friday’s Round Table!

Did you know?:

  • LinkedIn currently has 300 million users cutting across all professions/industries
  • LinkedIn is built on "chains of trust" and the famous six degrees of separation concept
  • LinkedIn was designed with business networking in mind, not social or casual usage
  • LinkedIn doesn't replace traditional networking methods, it amplifies them
  • LinkedIn requires very little maintenance; it's not something you need to check regularly
  • LinkedIn has dozens of settings allowing you to control your privacy and visibility
  • LinkedIn has a number of premium account options, but most people don't need them

On hand will be Roundtable Contributor, Joe Adams who has the complete and concise lowdown on adding some punch to an existing Linkedin page, or helping you get one up and running.

It’s imperative that LinkedIn be included among your job search portfolio. Among other topics, Joe will show you how to find who you’re looking for and how to approach them, also how to make yourself more approachable to relevant employers. LinkedIn is most likely the best venue for online representation of what you can offer, so learn how to begin using it to its fullest potential.

Friday, November 13, 1:00-2:30pm, Shoreline Community College 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Room 5116, Building 5000 (ground floor)

SCC Campus Map, Parking information. Small fee for daytime parking on campus.

Open to anyone of any age who is job seeking or interested in career change.

Led by Ron Carnell, Program Coordinator, Workforce and Continuing Education / Plus 50 Career Builder, Shoreline Community College, 206-533-6706.

See the Plus 50 Spring Schedule!


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