Shoreline City Manager report week of 5/19/2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Update for Week of 5/19/2014
From Debbie Tarry, Shoreline City Manager

Council Meetings
·    May 19 Regular Meeting:
§ Authorized the City Manager to Execute a Contract with OTAK for the 145th Light Rail Station Subarea Plan in the amount of $183,000. This is a multi-year project and funding was provided in the 2014 budget.
§ Authorized the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Doolittle Construction, LLC for 2014 Bituminous Surface Treatment (BST) Project: The 2014 BST project will address roads in the Briarcrest and Ridgecrest neighborhoods. Approximately 10.6 miles of roadway have been selected for BST treatment. 
§ Adopted the 2014-2016 Council Goals
§ Adopted the Urban Forest Strategic Plan: Shoreline is a community that has a passion around it urban trees.  Realizing our trees are an urban forest that is a valued asset needing to be maintained, the City needed direction on how to build a sustainable urban forestry program.  The Urban Forest Strategic Plan is a working document that outlines where Shroeline wants to go regarding it urban forest and ideas of how to get there.
§ Adopted Ordinance No. 686 – Seattle City Light Franchise: This is a 15 year franchise that allows Seattle City Light (SCL) to use the City’s rights-of-way for the electrical system, how SCL will manage and trim vegetation in the City’s right-of-way that is close to electrical wires, and how SCL will manage the vegetation on the Interurban Trail which is property owned by SCL in Shoreline.
§ Accepted the Utility Unification and Efficiency Study (UUES) and Authorized the City Manager to File the Notice of Intent with the Boundary Review Board for the Assumption of the Ronald Wastewater District in accordance with the 2002 Interlocal Agreement
§ Introduction to 185th Light Rail Station Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS): Staff provided Council an update on the 185th Street Station Subarea Plan process and focus on content for the DEIS, which is anticipated to be published on May 30, 2014.

·    May 26 – No Council Meeting due to the Memorial Day holiday

Point Wells Update
On April 7, 2014, the Town of Woodway adopted Resolution No. 14-372, declaring their intent to initiate negotiations with Snohomish County on a Master Annexation Interlocal Agreement. Based on the map in Woodway’s draft agreement it looks like the entire Point Wells Area is their intent. Contacts that we have had with the Chief of Staff for the Snohomish County Council indicate that the County Council has not taken any position on the Woodway resolution. Snohomish County’s annexation policies do require that cities enter into such an agreement with the County for annexations. At the same time their policies also require that when two or more cities have overlapping urban growth areas in their comprehensive plans (Shoreline and Woodway both have Point Wells as a future growth area), they try to come to an agreement before going to the County. I met with Woodway's Administrator Eric Faison in mid-March to discuss our cities' respective interests. I am in the process of sending letters to both Eric and Snohomish County to request that we follow Snohomish County’s annexation policies and first attempt to negotiate an interlocal agreement between Shoreline and Woodway to submit to the Snohomish County Tomorrow Steering Committee. 

Right-of-Way Landscape Bid
We have rejected all of the bids received on May 9 for our right-of-way landscaping contract and are rebidding right now. The two lowest bidders were found unresponsive as they did not complete all required documents. The lowest bid was approximately $65,000 greater than our current contract. The alternates that would allow some use of herbicides reduced the bid by $15,000, resulting in a $40,000 increase above the current contract. The current bids are due May 29th and we hope to bring a recommendation to Council on June 9

Ronald Wastewater District Update:
Last week the Ronald Board of Commissioners appointed Bob Ransom and Gretchen Atkinson as their representatives on the City/Ronald Assumption Transition sub-committee. On Monday night, Mayor Winstead appointed Chris Roberts and Doris McConnell to represent the City. City staff are in the process of developing a Charter for the electeds and staff sub-committees that will outline the purpose, timeline, and responsibilities of the committees. I will be sharing a draft with Ronald Wastewater District Manager Michael Derrick and then we will make a recommendation to the elected sub-committee in early June.

Open Government Trainings Act – ESSB 5964
This bill was passed during the 2014 Legislative Session. It requires that every member of the governing body of a public agency be trained on the Open Public Meetings Act, RCW 42.30. For Shoreline this includes not only the City Council, but also all Board and Commission members. Also all local elected officials must be trained on the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56 and the preservation and destruction of public records, RCW 40.14. We will hold a joint session with all appointed board and commission members during a Dinner Meeting slot to provide training.

10 Year Financial Sustainability Plan
Last week we held a public Open House/Workshop. We only had 7 members of the public attend. The format allowed for lots of interaction with those in attendance in getting their thoughts and responding to questions. Those in attendance thought that the strategies were well thought out and balanced.

April Business License Activity
Here is a list of new business licenses issued in April. This includes 51 new businesses located in Shoreline with a total of 96 new business licenses issued.

Personnel Changes
·    Last week Parks Director Dick Deal notified the Parks Department staff and me that he intends to retire in late January or February 2015. I am working with Dick on a transition and close-out plan. I anticipate that we will start the recruitment for his replacement in October. Dick has such a positive and important influence in the development of Shoreline’s park and recreation system and I’m sure his legacy will continue to provide an influence on our community.
·    Don Held, our Senior Facility Maintenance worker will be retiring at the end of June. Don has been a key member of our facility’s staff for many years!

Key Contacts and Meetings
Meetings last week included:
· Seattle Mayor Murray and staff to discuss the SPU acquisition in Shoreline.
· Seattle Councilmember Mike O’Brien to discuss the SPU acquisition in Shoreline
· Shoreline Chamber of Commerce luncheon and business fair.
· Planning Commission at the beginning of their retreat to share my City Manager vision.

Events Coming Up
  • Recology/Cleanscapes new material recovery facility, Thursday, May 22, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Program at 12:15 p.m.), 4401 E Marginal Way.
  • Shoreline Library Art Sculpture, Friday, June 6, 345 NE 175th St, 7-8:30 p.m.
  • Construction of ADA curb ramps on the east side of 25th Ave NE. Construction crews will be working on new ADA curb ramps and adjacent sidewalks at corners on the east side of 25th Avenue NE beginning Thursday, May 15. This is part of the Shoreline School Districts modernization of Shorecrest High School.
This & That
Here is information that I received at the last King County Manager/Administrator’s meeting regarding pending/potential Department of Ecology Fish Consumption rules. These rules, if adopted, could have future rate impacts on sewer and surface water utility rates.

Corrected 05-23-2014 12:04pm


Anonymous,  May 23, 2014 at 4:41 AM  

10 yr sustainability: "Those in attendance thought the strategies were well thought out and balanced." And what of the Pro Shoreline group who eschewed the open house for a command performance last night at taxpayer expense?

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