Letter to the Editor: Reckless editorial behavior

Friday, June 10, 2011

To the Editor,

One would be hard pressed to come up with a worse idea for a news outlet that desires the respect of the community it serves than to propose to publish anonymous comments, especially regarding political issues relevant to that same community. I am floored that you would even consider it. The concept smacks of the editorially irresponsible behavior of Fox News.

Please reconsider this reckless editorial behavior for the sake of the communities that you serve and make the responsible decision to not publish anonymous commentary.

Thank you,

Tony Holman
Lake Forest Park


Anonymous,  June 10, 2011 at 9:32 PM  

If the political debate hadn't become so poisonous, then more people would be willing to leave their names. I don't want to be called a racist simply because I disagree with the local political orthodoxy. Your comment about Fox News gives you away. You simply want a target to attack and you aren't satisfied attacking an anonymous poster.

Anonymity is a fine political tradition. Try reading the Federalist Papers. Although you might not like the content much there either, they were authored anonymously ;)

Anonymous,  June 10, 2011 at 10:25 PM  

If the political debate hadn't become so poisonous, then more people would be willing to leave their names. I don't want to be called a racist simply because I disagree with the local political orthodoxy. Your comment about Fox News gives you away. You simply want a target to attack and you aren't satisfied attacking an anonymous poster.

Anonymity is a fine political tradition. Try reading the Federalist Papers. Although you might not like the content much there either, they were authored anonymously ;)

Anonymous,  June 11, 2011 at 9:13 PM  

It's important to remember that Shoreline Area News is providing news and community promotions free to all who have internet access. There is no advertising. I assume the editors are donating their time and resources. I find the service useful, even vital, and I appreciate the professional quality of the writing.

I'd prefer not to see anonymous comments, but I feel this free news service is well worth reading. For those who can't tolerate anonymous comments, I'd suggest they avoid reading the comments sections of the posts.

Valerie Craig
Richmond Beach

Evan Smith (not anonymous),  June 14, 2011 at 10:04 AM  

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay didn't sign their names to any of the Federalist Papers, but they did use pseudonyms like "Publius. "
That makes more sense than all three writing as" anonymous."

Anonymous,  June 20, 2011 at 11:42 PM  

You've left out my comment about the Federalist Papers, which makes your response to that comment look a little...odd.

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