How does your garden grow? Ballinger Neighborhood Garden

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On March 12th a very hardy group of gardeners posed for a picture under our new Kiosk.

Ballinger Neighborhood Garden is wakening up.  Volunteer gardeners are working there every Saturday from 9 am to noon, even though the weather has been discouraging.

In spite of all that, our cover crops are growing, fresh perennial herbs are there for community use and the crocus and daffodils are blooming. We are moving wood chips, clearing blackberries, pulling weeds and picking up litter.

In individual gardens gardeners are turning over the soil and some have even planted pea pods and spinach. We have 21 gardeners and 32 plots, of which approximately 11 will be devoted to growing food for the Hopelink Food Bank.

We do have a couple of gardens left. Go to the Ballinger Neighborhood website and click on BALNA Garden for an application.

--Joyce Lingerfelt 


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