On the Mayor’s Mind - the State of the City

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mayor Shari Winstead
On the Mayor’s Mind - June 2, 2014
By Mayor Shari Winstead
This week we will be holding our second annual State of the City breakfast. As Mayor, it is my privilege to host this event. Most of the people attending the breakfast are what we refer to as the city’s “partners”. People just like you – volunteers, business owners, and other folks that have a vested interest in making Shoreline a vibrant community.
We will be highlighting some of the great projects the City has accomplished in our 19 years – the 2006 parks bond that changed our neglected park system into a first rate system of beautiful parks and trails, the near completion of the Aurora Avenue redevelopment project. Shoreline now boasts the safest, most environmentally sustainable and most beautiful three miles of Highway 99 – due to be finished in 2015. We will also be talking about the 10 year financial sustainability plan - we work hard to try to keep Shoreline an affordable city, yet continue to provide the services that our citizens require and desire. It’s not an easy balance with the costs of service rising faster than the revenues the City receives.
Everyone in Shoreline should be proud that our city was featured in a recent video filmed by King County, as one of the leading cities confronting climate change. We have much to be proud of in this arena, including our beautiful City Hall, it’s LEED Gold certification a testament to the City's commitment to sustainability. In 2008 we adopted our Environmental Sustainability Strategic Planwhich contained 50 recommendations for becoming a more sustainable city. We have implemented nearly all of those recommendations and have become a regional leader in environmental sustainability. It is imperative that we continue to invest in a sustainable future – because that is the Shoreline way.  You can view the video here
There are many reasons to love our Shoreline life. As Spring turns into Summer, take a look around, reacquaint yourself with your neighbors, parks and the all the great activities going on in your City.  In the coming weeks I will highlight some of the great Shoreline festivals happening this summer, but you can always find these events on the City’s website.


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