SCC baseball returns to Shoreline for the first time in 15 years

Saturday, April 7, 2012

SCC Baseball at a Meridian Park practice
Photo by Wilson Tsoi

On Sunday, April 1, when the Shoreline Community College Baseball Team took the field at Meridian Park, it was the first time the SCC squad had played an official game in the City of Shoreline proper in 15 years. The Dolphins have been playing the majority of their games for the past 15 years at Lower Woodland Park, at the south end of the Green Lake area.

The college has had a baseball program since 1965, but never has had a home field. They played at various local parks when the program first started and were basically vagabonds, going to whatever facility would let them use the space to practice and play.

SCC Athletic Director, Doug Palmer says, “I have been amazed the college has been able to maintain a baseball program all of these years. It has been the biggest challenge for me since my arrival at Shoreline and even a bigger challenge for the coaches and players. Trying to convince good players to come to Shoreline Community College when you can’t point out a home field near the college and that you will have to drive 10 miles away from the campus to play and often practice, is not an attractive situation”
He continued, “I was so happy when I heard the school district was building a new park for Shorewood High School and that Sue and Marcia (Shoreline School Superintendent Sue Walker and Deputy Superintendent Marcia Harris) were open for us to use the facility for our games and program.
“School District Athletic Director, Don Daziel, is easy to work with and while we can’t use the facility as much as we want, they work with us to maximize our time there”

The Dolphins opened their home schedule against rival Edmonds Community College on Sunday, April 1 at 1pm. It is also the opening weekend of the NWAACC Northern Region schedule.

Shoreline has struggled so far this season, only carrying a 1-12 record in the opening weekend of region play.

Doug Palmer, SCC Athletics Director
Photo courtesy SCC

Doug Palmer thinks the new field will help change the program wins and losses as well. “Baseball has struggled for almost 50 years here and not having a home field has been a major factor in that, now we can point to a first class facility that we can play and practice in, located only a couple of miles from the campus and for the first time, potentially drawing local fans to games, when in the past, just parents showed up to watch the Dolphins play.

“We still will have to practice at times at other facilities inside of Shoreline, but now we never have to leave Shoreline to practice or play. It is huge for us. I want to thank the Shoreline School District for allowing us to rent their facilities and bring a “Home” field to Shoreline Community College Baseball. It will change our program for years to come”.


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