It's cookie time

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Alea, Jurnee, and Talla, with moms behind the table and dads just out of frame
at the Ballinger Market Thriftway
Photo by Diane Hettrick

Yup. It's cookie time, and the families of Shoreline Girl Scout Troop 42037 have lots of cookies for you.

This photo was taken on a sunny afternoon at the Ballinger Market Thriftway in Ballinger Village. Troop members Alea and Jurnee, assisted by Talla (who will be a scout when she's old enough, she says) spent the evening selling cookies to raise money for the Girl Scout organization.

Both moms were behind the table working, and both dads were holding hand-made signs. Scouting is a family affair in this troop.

Talla says she'll be a scout when she's old enough
Photo by Diane Hettrick

The scouts have many sale dates scheduled, so you have not missed your opportunity to buy cookies. If you don't want them for yourself, they have a large box for cookies for the US Military overseas. What says 'home' more than Girl Scout cookies?

Here are your cookie-buying opportunities:

March 15 - North City Safeway on 15th NE - 4-8pm
March 16 - Walgreen's in North City - 4-6pm
March 16 - North City Safeway on 15th NE - 6-8pm
March 17 - Teriyaki Island 2-4pm
March 17 - Fred Meyer 6-8pm
March 17 - Top Food on N 175th - 6-8pm
March 18 - PCC at Westgate in Edmonds 12-2pm
March 18 - Fred Meyer 4-6pm
March 18 - North City Safeway on 15th NE - 4-6pm


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