Work session and regular meeting Thursday for LFP City Council

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

City Council Work Session Meeting on September 10, 2015
Lake Forest Park City Hall, NE corner of Town Center property

6pm to 6:45pm Agenda

The work session will include presentations and discussions about the Comp Plan, Emergency Management Services, and the Surface Water Management fee exemption for schools.

Regular Business Meeting begins 7pm Agenda

Presentation from WSDOT on I-405 tolling

 Consent Calendar (documents here)
1. August 13, 2015 Council Work Session Minutes 
2. August 13, 2015 Council Regular Business Meeting Minutes 
3. August 17, 2015 Special Council Committee of the Whole Notes 
4. Approval of City Expenditures for period ending September 10, 2015 
5. Ordinance 1103/Amending Chapter 1.08 of the Lake Forest Park Municipal Code, Public Information, as Regards Requests for Public Records 
6. Resolution 1497/Adopting Public Disclosure Administrative Policy and Acknowledging the Administrative Implementation of an Internal Procedure for Responding to Requests for Disclosure of Public Records and an Updated Public Records Request Form 
7. Resolution 1507/Adopting the Hazard Mitigation Plan for the City of Lake Forest Park 

8. Resolution 1508/Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement with 3 Square Blocks, LLP, for Continued Assistance with Public Engagement and Updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan

Council Action or Discussion 
1. Advise Mayor regarding Metropolitan Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee (MSWMAC) Motions 


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