Representative Ruth Kagi Awarded for her Extraordinary Legislative Efforts on Behalf of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cathy Murahashi (Family Engagement Coordinator at King County Family Coalition), Rep. Kagi, Shoreline resident Julia Neander, Joe Cunningham, Nfansu Sawo, Margaret-Lee Thompson (founding coordinator for King County Family Coalition), Shoreline resident Harriett Tibbits Jonkman. In front, Julia’s son Forrest.

Bettering the Lives of People with Developmental Disabilities

Recently, over 120 individuals attended the Annual Summer Potluck Picnic of the King County Family Coalition for Developmental Disabilities of the Arc of King County, where eight legislators, including 32nd District’s Representative Ruth Kagi, were awarded for their extraordinary efforts during the 2015 legislative session.

Addressing the unmet need for waiting families whose children qualified for state respite and other state Developmental Disabilities Administration services, the Legislature added 5,000 individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) to services.

Representative Kagi was awarded for her extraordinary role with a bi-partisan effort to help people with developmental disabilities. This annual award is given to legislators who go above and beyond to champion DD issues.

Coordinator of the King County Family Coalition, Joe Cunningham, stated, “All session long, Representative Kagi’s unwavering and tireless support for people with developmental disabilities resulted in ensuring the services for 5,000 people with developmental disabilities providing respite for families.”

A Shoreline resident of the Briarcrest Neighborhood, Mr. Cunningham added, “She led efforts with early start, birth-to-three, and developmental screenings for autism and developmental delays. She was a supporter of and moved key DD bills including the respite bill (HB 1531) and the ABLE Act (HB 2063) through her committee and the House.”

Mr. Cunningham added, “Her efforts to the end of session and the special sessions were extraordinary. I personally am thrilled and honored that Representative Kagi is my legislator and am deeply grateful for her work. I can now say both my children were Representative Kagi’s honorary pages, and my son Patrick will be voting for her in 2016. I left Representative Kagi a voice mail thanking her for her efforts 45 minutes after the operating budget passed, and said, ‘I can’t wait until Patrick gets back from camp so I could tell him what you did for individuals with developmental disabilities to help them live, work and thrive in our community.’”

For information about the King County Family Coalition, contact Joe Cunningham at 206-829-7048.

Founded in 1936, The Arc of King County is the oldest non-profit organization serving individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) in the Greater Puget Sound area, and one of the oldest such organizations in the United States.''

Rep. Kagi serves the 32nd Legislative District, which includes all of Shoreline, and Woodway, and parts of North Seattle, Mountlake Terrace, Edmonds, Lynnwood, as well as parts of unincorporated Snohomish county.


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