Letter to the Editor: Friendly dogs do not bite children

Friday, September 11, 2015

To the Editor:

The irresponsible, uncaring and self absorbed dog owner reported in the story about the Shoreline boy being bitten by the man's off leash dog (see previous article) deserves prosecution to the fullest extent! Not only did he have his unleashed dog in a posted "No Dogs" area, but he knowingly fled the scene after his dog bit the boy. Further, apparently the Edmonds police had to hunt him down because he did not come forward when the incident was made public because it was even reported on TV news.

It would be nice to think that all dog owners who have no regard for the safety and welfare of others will take heed. That they will come to respect the rights of others to not have someone's dog running loose, often at them and the very worst, biting children. Unhappily, many of those people will continue to think their dog is an exception. Such dog owners almost always say, "It's ok, my dog is friendly."  Friendly dogs do not bite children! Note: my dog was attacked by a "friendly" unleashed dog and the owner laughed. Leash laws exist for very good reasons. It's time for respect!

Nan Colton


Unknown September 11, 2015 at 10:24 PM  

While I agree that this owner should accept responsibility, pay the child's medical bills and be fined I have to say that all dogs are ... dogs. Friendly or not, they all have dog instincts and may bite on occasion. They're dogs. They do things based on dog reality. Puppy, adult, trained, untrained - deep down they're still dogs. This is why my dog is always leashed when out and about. He's the sweetest animal in the world - but I have no doubt that if *HE* thought he was in danger, he would react.

And I'll get back on the 'agree with Nan' train about unleashed dogs, especially at Richmond beach when leashes are required. You may think your dog is friendly, but how do you know the temperament of the leashed dog yours is bounding over to? "Oh, he's friendly". Mine may not be.

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