Story tellers meet Friday with stories Celebrating Mystery

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Coffee at The Bridge
The next story circle evening of Stories From The Heart will be February 6, 2015, 7-9 pm at The Bridge Coffee House in north Seattle.

The theme of the evening will be “Celebrating Mystery.” You are invited to bring a story of a memorable personal experience or a moving wisdom tale that may resonate with this theme.  

This Story Circle is a friendly, welcoming community for both listeners and tellers. Tellers will have up to 8 minutes to tell a story.

Please practice your stories before coming so your beginning, middle and ending are clear in your mind. The evening will begin with a brief tip on preparing or telling stories to foster the ancient and intimate tradition of oral storytelling.  

Please support the Bridge Coffee House’s generous offering of their space by purchasing drinks or treats as well as contributing $2 for The Bridge Coffee House to defray their costs. The Bridge Coffee House is located at 2150 N 122nd St, Seattle 98133.  

Cynthia Westby, host and President of the Seattle Storytellers Guild, can be contacted via email for more information.  


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