Correction: Richmond Beach Community Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 10

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Richmond Beach Community Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 7:00pm – socialize, 7:30pm – meeting
Richmond Beach Congregational Church, 1512 NW 195th Street

In last spring’s survey by RBCA, residents requested more opportunities to visit with other community members. As a result, RBCA will be opening the doors a half hour before the meeting starts to allow for socializing, complete with coffee and cookies.

The first topic of this meeting will be parks. Meet the new Shoreline Parks and Recreation Director, Eric Friedli, and learn about the Saltwater Park restoration project, the status of the pedestrian bridge repair project and ShoreDog’s role at the off-leash dog park from Shoreline Parks Planner Maureen Colaizzi.

The last item on the agenda will feature an update from Richmond Beach Advocate (RBA) board members on Point Wells. Learn what happened at a recent City Council discussion on tolling, as well as a recent legal filing by RBA with the state Growth Management Hearings Board regarding the validity of the ordinance related to the 4000 average daily trip limit classification of Richmond Beach Drive.


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