Introductory statement from unopposed Shoreline School Board member David Wilson

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Shoreline School Board member David Wilson is running unopposed for re-election. Here is his introductory statement:

David Wilson
David Wilson

“Thank You” on behalf of the 8,800 students in the Shoreline School District who are beneficiaries of your understanding and foresight. Shoreline and Lake Forest Park have a rich tradition of supporting excellent public schools. We are educational communities.

“Thank You” for passing our Maintenance and Operating levies, which enable this district to maintain its reputation as a “destination” school district.

  •  “Thank You” for supporting our teachers and administrators
  •  “Thank You” for enabling us to maintain our facilities
  • “Thank You” for providing the funds to make operational efficiency improvements.
  • “Thank You” for enabling our students to learn in a 21st century environment using the tools of the future.
  • “Thank You” for supporting our vision to build two new high schools. This confirms our communities’ commitment to educational excellence.

My priorities are a safe, nurturing learning environment, fiscal accountability, curriculum innovation, professional development, and encouragement of a partnership among parents, teachers, administrators and students.

I believe that nothing will open the door of opportunity for our students more than a quality public education. That is why I am asking once again for your vote. Let me continue to represent you and support this valuable community asset.


Anonymous,  October 13, 2013 at 10:36 AM  

If only Mr. Wilson acted on his stated priorities. The one time I attempted to bring a serious issue to his (and the District's) attention, he refused to engage in substantive discussion, or even acknowledge that a parent was worthy of the proverbial time-of day. It's sad that this passive-aggressive tone is entrenched at the top; it explains much of the behavior one observes among employees and teachers of Shoreline Schools.

Anonymous,  October 14, 2013 at 6:19 AM  

Believe me, it's not the teachers...

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