What to do with the Chrstimas tree? Give it to the Scouts

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Photo by Carl Dinse
by Diane Hettrick

Ok - the tree is now dropping brown needles all over the floor and since the cat drank all the water in the base, it's so dry that you're afraid that if you turn on the lights, the tree will go up like a torch. Time to get rid of the Christmas tree.

First option - the boy and girl scouts. If you got a blue envelope on your doorknob last week, there will be a Scout on your street Saturday, January 8th.

Place your tree in front of your house next to the street by 8:30 am and a Scout will take it away for recycling.

Except for flocked trees. Nobody wants your flocked tree.

The Scouts suggest a donation of $5 cash or check and ask you to place it in the blue envelope and rubber band it to the tree.

Ok - except I do police blotters for two cities and I've lost my innocence. If the bad guys are ready to pounce on UPS packages left on your porch, grab your wallet when you turn your back to put on a shirt at the gym, steal your mail out of your mailbox, and rifle your car while you're parked at Costco, they will have a field day with all those tidy blue envelopes full of ready cash and checks waiting to be washed and rewritten.

Mail your donation to the address on the envelope or call the number listed to find out where to mail your donation.


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