Shoreline Schools Music4Life™ achieves milestone - 50 musical instruments collected for schools

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Shoreline Schools Music4Life™ program has acquired its first 50 musical instruments in its initial six months, according to organizers. The program acquires musical instruments and supplies for eligible public elementary students. Working cooperatively with the organization are the Rotary Club of Shoreline (lunch) and Shoreline Breakfast Rotary.

“Our goal is to provide every student in the district an opportunity to play a musical instrument, if they want to, regardless of their ability to afford it,” say David Endicott and Dick Lee.  They serve as president and vice president, respectively, of Music4Life.  “We do this at a time of financial challenge because research shows that students who study instrumental music do better in math, science, history, languages and many other desirable academic disciplines.”

“Some of these musical instruments have already been delivered to the Shoreline School District and are being used by students right now,” Endicott says.  The rest are in the process of evaluation and repair and will be delivered soon.  “This puts us right about where we expected to be.  A similar Music4Life program for the Highline School District has been working for a year and a half and recently acquired its 179th musical instrument.”

In announcing the program late last spring, Superintendent Sue Walker said “Music4Life is a great example of how the community is partnering with schools to support our students.  We are grateful to Rotary for initiating this project.  Many children who cannot afford an instrument will now have the opportunity to participate in band and orchestra. That’s especially important in Shoreline, where many students live in poverty.”

Shoreline Schools Music4Life is a community service activity that is Rotary-inspired, but you don’t have to be a member of a Rotary club to support it, Endicott says.  “We’re very glad to have the support of anyone who understands the immense value of instrumental music in a child’s life.”  He says musical instruments are acquired for Shoreline Schools Music4Life in two ways.

“Many adults no longer play musical instruments that are gathering dust in their attics and garages,” he says. “We gratefully accept those ‘lovingly used’ instruments, repair them as needed and then donate them absolutely free of charge to Shoreline Schools.”  Used musical instruments can be dropped-off at any Kennelly Keys Music store or at one of several conveniently located sites being identified.

“We can also buy new musical instruments that the Shoreline Schools band and orchestra directors tell us they need for eligible young musicians.”  Donations help take care of musical supplies and repairs.  Lee says monetary donations can be made via PayPal accounts or by visiting the website.

Shoreline Schools Music4Life begins by providing musical instruments to fourth, fifth and sixth graders who qualify for the free- and reduced-lunch program.

“In special circumstances, we can provide instruments to older children, as well,” Endicott says.  “Our goal is to enable as many young people to take advantage of these instrumental music opportunities as possible.”

Currently, 30 percent of all fifth and sixth grade students in Shoreline Public Schools who participate in instrumental music programs are income-eligible. The Shoreline Schools Music4Life™ initiative intends to assist half that number.

Music4Life enjoys the support of notable music advocates and other community leaders.  Gerard Schwarz, world-renowned conductor laureate of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, endorsed the program, saying, “This wonderful program begins with children in elementary school at a time when, if they’re interested and talented in any way, they have the greatest chance of success. Many people tell me of the impact that direct knowledge of instrumental music has had on their lives. We intend to give this advantage to all our children.”

Music4Life™ acquires musical instruments and supplies for young musicians from financially challenged families in the Shoreline Public Schools. Shoreline Schools  Music4Life is a community activity that is inspired by the Rotary Club of Shoreline (lunch) and Shoreline Breakfast Rotary. It is not necessary to be a Rotarian to participate. For more information or to donate an instrument to Shoreline Schools Music4Life, contact David Endicott at 206-409-3275 or go to our website. Instrument donation forms are available online, as well as at other designated instrument drop-off sites.


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