
Friday, February 20, 2015

Large crowd attends deliberations of Planning Commission

The room was filled for the Planning Commission
deliberations on the 145th Subarea
Photo by Vicki Westberg

The Shoreline Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, February 19, 2015 was devoted to deliberations on the subarea zoning for the 145th Sound Transit station area.

Planning Commission works through Decision agenda
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

According to Robin Lombard of the 145th Street Citizens' Committee, the Planning Commission voted to delay recommending an action alternative for the FEIS until the completion of the 145th St corridor study. They felt the study can better inform them of zoning changes to the subarea.

Attendees listened attentively to the proceedings
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The Shoreline City Council will consider the Commission findings on March 23rd. They are not obligated to follow the recommendations of the Planning Commission.


  1. Will the Council go against a 5-1 decision of the Planning Commission on the 145th plan? Will they listen to the overwhelming opinions of the public and vote for a more reasonable version like Chris Robert's plan? Or will they listen to the paid lobbyists like Futurewise or the Housing/Density advocates? Hey Shoreline City Council. We are paying attention, we are angry and we vote!

  2. the famous CITY STAFF for the city of shoreline just dropped 356 pages of documents supporting the 185th street rezone 2 days before the rezone hearing. Can you folks please have the courage to identify yourselves by name, title, and current place of residence when you talk about how YOU FEEL. When we elect a city council who actually chooses to listen to the citizens of our city we can recommend who among you get to continue to get the benefits of our tax dollars to pay your salaries, medical coasts, and pensions.
    Since I have to give my name and city of residence when I talk to the council about my feelings, I don't understand why that shouldn't apply to the STAFF as well.


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