
Monday, April 15, 2024

One flower might be pretty, together they are amazing

Recycled glass art at Echo Lake Elementary

Spring is here and flowers are blooming including the new art installation at Echo Lake Elementary at  19345 Wallingford Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133.

This year's PTA Family Art Night used recycled bottles and materials to create this colorful new piece to decorate the fence off of 193rd that surrounds the Native Plant Garden. 

Fence near 193rd

The kids (and parents) had fun painting the outside of bottles that were later heated which created the curled petal effect. It’s always a joy to watch families and friends be creative side by side and then ohhhh and ahh over other people’s work. 

The collaborative nature helps bring the school community together and shows how while one flower might be pretty, together they are amazing.

--Story and photos by Kaija Dalan


  1. Are those plastic flowers? Have you considered that the world is already covered with plastics? Plastics that are inside every person - and even the placenta of newborns? Plastics that mess with our (especially of pre-pubescent) hormones?

    The students at the school are little kids. Do the teachers/school leaders want to use extra plastics when the children are already facing so many future environmental disasters?
    Greta Thunberg is no longer 16, and she sees these problems. What will school officials/parents say to their kids in hospitals 8 years from now when asked "what did you do to protect the environment?"
    We all have to help this group of innocent children. PLEASE, no more plastics!

    1. All where gathered from the recycle bins and would have been trash.

  2. This is the second sentence in the article:
    "This year's PTA Family Art Night used recycled bottles and materials to create this colorful new piece to decorate the fence off of 193rd that surrounds the Native Plant Garden."


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