
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Letter to the Editor: Continue the tradition but tone it down a bit

To the Editor:

I understand an earlier reader's comment about FireTruck Santa's loud siren on Christmas morning. It is a piercing sound. Perhaps Santa's volunteers could substitute a recorded quieter siren sound and use loud Christmas music to herald their presence at our homes.

We treasure our Christmas Day meeting with FireTruck Santa. Our children, their children, and now our Great-GrandChildren come to our home early for the family tradition of welcoming Santa. Yes, the third generation of admirers. 

Let's continue the tradition but tone it down a bit with little or no siren, more music. Plus a big "Thanks" to Santa's volunteer elves.

Robert C. Hauck
Richmond Beach, Shoreline


  1. I think more awareness will help - those of us who may be new to the area, slept through it before, etc. did not know to expect it. 9:00 AM is not to early - except for people who may work the night shift in the ER or other essential jobs.

    When new people move in - get to know them, and let them know this will happen each year.

  2. Please do not change a thing. This is a tradition that needs to continue. Please do not penalize the majority of residents who want this tradition to continue just because of one complaint.


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