
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Letter to the Editor: Christmas Fire Truck with Santa

To the Editor:

In regards to the letter to the editor from Ann Vandermeer on 12/26/2023, I sympathize with her PTSD over the sirens and music from the fire trucks on Christmas morning. It's too bad that she was unaware of this treasured annual tradition in Shoreline and many other communities. 

Neighbors along my street came out onto porches to wave at Santa and the trucks even stopped in the middle of the block for some kids to talk with Santa up close. They bring joy and cheer to so many!

I agree that it would be helpful to have a public announcement in Shoreline News and other public media reminding people that they do this every year. 

Michele Lawson


  1. I’ve lived in Shoreline before it became a city and never heard of this tradition. Nor have I heard about it elsewhere. For whatever reason, the trucks came down my street this year and I, for one, found it disturbing. I did put on shoes and go outside to see where the emergency vehicles were headed and saw them stopped in the next block. I didn’t bother going down there since I figured the poor family suffering from the emergency (fire or medical) did not need a gawker. I enjoy fire trucks at events but not like this. The previous opinion writer was spot on.

  2. Thank you for writing this letter to the editor.
    This tradition goes back decades... Reports (with photos even) from the 60s.
    I agree that announcements ahead of time could be helpful and useful.

    I'm so very hopeful that the tradition will continue as hundreds of families enjoy waving and hearing the music, getting a candy cane, and even a photo with Santa and the fire truck.

    I'm so appreciative of the time and efforts SFD puts in to make this happen for us.

    In our family, we have 25 years of memories from our immediate family and my husband remembers these joyous visits from when he was a boy.

    It's a beloved tradition.


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