
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Who needs television: Native squirrels as entertainment

Dougie Jr in his Entertainment Device

Story and photos by Ken Berkun

The pics are of one of our local Douglas Squirrels. 

This is one of the younger generation. Dad (or mom, we're not sure), we call Dougie, after my wife's (Gay Armsden) father Douglas Armsden. We've seen Dougie (Sr.) with at least 3 offspring, and they're all named Dougie Jr.
Dougie Jr. headed toward the Squirrel Entertainment Device
Douglas Squirrels are incredibly fast and most of my images are blurry, but I got a few. I have some squirrel entertainment devices, of which the pictured tube is one. 

The bird feeder is supposed to be squirrel-proof, but is more accurately "squirrel resistant."

Dougie Jr at the "squirrel resistant' bird feeder

Here's a link to a short video where you can listen to Dougie Jr. being very unhappy about being videoed. They can keep this up pretty much forever:

Douglas Squirrels are solitary, in general, with a large territory. While smaller than the invasive grey squirrels, they are more aggressive and have no problem standing up to them. Having one with a family in our yard is a treat!


  1. You are so lucky! I would love to trade all my gray squirrels for a Douglas. I’ve never seen one in Shoreline. Where is your yard?

  2. Lake Forest Park, about a half mile from Grace Cole Park


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