
Monday, September 23, 2019

Letter to the Editor: I defend CRISTA's right to teach their own beliefs

To the Editor:

I'm glad Dr. Amundson put quotes around "welcoming" in his 9/21 LTE, "Speak up in opposition to CRISTA's misguided policies," because what he's suggesting is actually not welcoming at all.

How is it welcoming to chastise someone for holding religious beliefs that differ from your own, and to publicly encourage others to harass them for holding those beliefs?

I certainly disagree with some of what they believe at CRISTA, but I defend their right to hold their beliefs, and to teach them in their private institution. To do otherwise would not only be unwelcoming, but, even worse, would fly in the face of religious liberty and free speech.

Maggie Willson
Shoreline WA

1 comment:

  1. I also agree with CRISTA’S right to practice their own beliefs. No one is forcing you to pay tuition and send your child there. Nor to a Catholic school. Nor to shop at Hobby Lobby or eat those popular chicken sandwiches. We have gone overboard in our society telling private businesses and organizations who they can serve and what they should believe. The consumer has lots of choices for schools, food, bakeries and florists. There is no need to beat up on private schools and businesses. - Jim


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