
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Curious Mystery of a Dead Mole

A life and death drama played out in John's back yard overnight

John is a reader from Lake Forest Park who sent in this mystery and the crime scene photos

We had an interesting event happen overnight in my backyard. We've been battling a mole problem for the entire summer and when I woke up this morning and looked outside I was shocked to see that a good portion of our backyard was torn up.

After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes to make sure I was seeing things clearly I went outside to investigate.

It appears that something entered the yard in the dead of night and tore up the sod looking for the mole. 

The body was abandoned at the scene
It wasn't until later in the afternoon when I got home from work that I noticed the dead mole laying on top of the grass with what appears to be two bite marks on its body. 

We heard nothing overnight and was wondering what animal may have helped us win the battle against the mole.


  1. When you find the killer, send it to my house.

  2. Coyotes and raccoons are both capable of digging up your yard looking for prey.


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