
Monday, December 31, 2018

Donna Hawkey: Eagles while gardening

Photo by Dennis Terpstra

By Donna Hawkey

At times, it feels like I am living in a part-time vacation here in Lake Forest Park. This past weekend was another example of that.

While tending the garden, I hear the now familiar and distinct calls of the adult eagle and its juvenile.

Upon glancing up, I see an adult with what appears to be a juvenile soaring around me, and both heading right back over my head in mere seconds. I stood still and smiled knowing I was in for something special.

Eagle headed away, with neatly tucked feet
Photo by Dennis Terpstra

A juvenile eagle will not develop a white head until around four or five years of age. This eagle was likely born this past spring. (An eagle’s nest in our neighbor’s tree is providing both delight and sadness. This nest is the probable cause of one eagle losing its life after being injured in a territorial fight.)

The eagle stays put, perched high
Photo by Jan Hansen
Here I am doing the messy garden clean-up thing, and am rewarded with a special eagle family sighting that makes me feel as if I traveled to a vacation outing.

The two eagles circle over my head a few times and land on giant Douglas Fir trees on my property. I feel a giant smile coming on. When they start communicating with one another again, I listen and observe. After about thirty seconds, they are so silent that I could hear a pine needle drop.

Waiting and without moving, I am in anticipation of another sighting of the two of them together.

But the eagles stay put perched high, so I decide it is time for a cup of tea, and to go into the house to share the experience with my husband.

As I reach my backdoor and begin to take off my garden shoes, I suddenly hear the eagles communicating again and wonder if this parent could be alerting the young one that soon the human will be gone?

Was today’s eagle parent lesson about finding your way back home to your nest without anyone else discovering it? Is this another reason why they have those “eagle eyes” that can see up to eight times more powerfully than the average human as well as see a broader range of colors?

Eagles even have better peripheral vision than an owl.

Love those eagles!
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

In spiritual readings, there are meanings when you see an eagle. Seeing an eagle signifies courage and a sense of wanting to explore more and to grow. Also, if you dream of an eagle flying or one that is perched high, it could mean that good fortune or some triumph is coming your way.

Having a feeling of gratitude for not only the moment of experiencing the joy of such a nature sighting. and inspiring me to learn more about eagles, but also to the many residents who have fought the good fight to respect and to protect what we still have today.

Eagle conversation
Photo by Bruce Hill
We know how forward thinking it is when an organization like the Lake Forest Park Stewardship formed by residents over twenty years ago, and today, still helps maintain what city founder Ole Hanson realized and prospered from in Lake Forest Park.

This is the beauty and value of real estate with a soul.

The birds need the privacy and quiet to breed.

The male eagle brings green tree sprigs to its nest for possible shade or to deodorize it, and eagles are known to return to the same nest year after year. It’s their home.

It all needs protection and care if eagles are to thrive and to captivate us. And we all need the continuing good luck and fortune which all of Mother Nature can bring.

Let’s all carry on with the good fight and keep our trees, streams and the nature that resides and counts on them abundant and healthy!

In an ever growing populated area, it’s certainly more challenging to maintain all that. Please help out in any way you can.

More information about the Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation (LFPSF) and their important environmental work HERE

Also, the Lake Forest Park StreamKeepers is another valuable support group whose primary focus is to monitor and work to improve the quality of the water in our streams.

Donna Hawkey can be reached at

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